Page 42 - BR-May-2018
P. 42

May 2018                                                                             May 2018


         Explorer News

       During March, we welcomed Jo, Gemma and their dogs Bess and Uska from the
       Guide Dogs Association to Bere Regis at a District Explorer event. It was a very
       interesting  and  informative  evening,  particularly  when  Jo  shared  her
       experiences and how having Bess as a guide dog has transformed her life. At
       the end of the evening we presented the Guide Dogs with a donation that we
                                                had  collected  at  last  year's
                                                District   St   George's   Day

                                                Sixteen   Explorers   spent   an
                                                evening bouldering and climbing
                                                without  ropes  at  the  Project
                                                Climbing  Centre  in  Poole.  It  was
                                                enjoyed  by  all  and  some  of  the
                                                Explorers  are  keen  to  return  and
                                                to   do   more.   An   evening
                                                organised by  Aidan and Rowan,
                                                which  involved  an  Easter  egg
                                                hunt  with  clues  hidden  around
                                                Bere  Regis  village,  was  a  very

       chocolatey  end  to  the  spring  term
       During  the  Easter  holidays,  the
       Explorers  teamed  up  with  the  Scouts
       to participate in a camp in the woods
       at Buddens. They all had a great time
       making  and  sleeping  in  bivvies,
       playing  with  fires,  learning  about  the
       things  nature  can  tell  us,  finding
       animal tracks, preparing food from the
       wild and handling tools to make useful
       survival  gadgets  out  of  hazel  and  elder.  Many  thanks  to  Julien  and  Neal  for
       organising and sharing their knowledge with everyone.

       DofE activities
       A DofE Bronze Practice expedition took place over the Easter weekend in the
       Purbecks.  Well  done  to  Ethan,  Will  and  Edward,  who  had  a  very  wet  first

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