Page 48 - BR-May-2018
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May 2018                                                                             May 2018

                                                                                           NEWS FROM BERE REGIS

                                                                                           PRIMARY AND PRE-SCHOOL
                                                                                           Southbrook, Bere Regis, BH20 7DB  01929 471334

                                                                                           Spring 2018
                                                                                           It  has  been  my  pleasure  to  join  Bere  Regis  Primary  and  Pre-
                                                                                           School  and  my  first  term  seems  to  have  flown  by.  Having
                                                                                           joined in January, I’ve been fortunate to have the chance to
                                                                                           meet  many  of  our  parents  and  families  through  everything
                                                                                           from our class assemblies and reading workshops to standing on the (very windy!)
                                                                                           gate in the mornings. I have joined the team as the Deputy Head and SENDCo,
                                                                                           ensuring every student has the chance to full reach their potential. I also teach on
                                                                                           three days a week, sharing my time between our Year 3/4 class and our Year 1/2
                                                                                           class, as well as dipping in elsewhere when I can. It has been a wonderful start
                                                                                           and I hope that, over the coming years, I will get to know many more members of
                                                                                           our community too.
                                                                                           The spring term was both short and sweet: between them, our students studied
                                                                                           the  Ancient  Greeks,  Healthy  Living  and  Kings  and  Queens.  Our  eldest  students
                                                                                           studied  Bere  Regis  as  a  village,  heading  out  on  a  rather  drizzly  day  to  see,  first
                                                                                           hand, our beautiful village’s history and geography. Snow was, of course, the talk
                                                                                           of  the  classroom  for  much  of  March  and  our  students  enjoyed  some  fantastic
                                                                                           sledging on the hill behind the school during our two days of closure.
                                                                                                                                     Spring has now, though, well and

                                                                                                                                     truly  sprung.  The  playground  has
                                                                                                                                     been bathed in glorious sunshine
                                                                                                                                     since  Easter  and  we  are  already
                                                                                                                                     enjoying full use of our wonderful
                                                                                                                                     field.  We  continue  our  study  of
                                                                                                                                     Virtues,  this  term  focussing  on
                                                                                                                                     Patience  and  Forgiveness.  In
                                                                                                                                     assembly,  I  shared  Confucius’
                                                                                                                                     quote,  ‘It  does  not  matter  how
                                                                                                                                     slowly  you  go  as  long  as  you  do
                                                                                           not  stop’.  School  is  a  place  of  constant  challenge,  and  rightly  so.  Thus,  the
                                                                                           patience  to  dig  deep,  to  take  a  deep  breath  and  to  push  on  can  be  an
                                                                                           enormous  asset  to  our  students.  In  the  modern  world,  patience  could  be
                                                                                           considered a dying art, so it is all the more important that we take the chance in
                                                                                           school to engender the capacity to wait or try again, without worry or angst.

                                                                                           In  May,  our  twelve  Year  6  students  will  undertake  their  SATs,  embracing  the

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