Page 40 - BR-May-2018
P. 40

May 2018                                                                             May 2018

       NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER                                                                                                   brilliant  as  always  and  the Pop In  Place
                                                                                                                               singers  did  a  fantastic  performance  of
                                                                                                                               three songs.
       As  I  write  this  month’s  column,  the  clocks  have
       recently  changed  and  spring  finally  seems  to  be                                                                  The  bonnets  were  most  imaginative.
       upon  us.  I  know  that  my  children  are  enjoying  the                                                              Thank  you  so  much  to  anyone  who
       longer  lighter  evenings,  taking  the  opportunity  to                                                                helped  out  at  this  event  or  donated
       spend more time on the trampoline in the garden.                                                                        Easter  eggs,  for  your  efforts  in    making
                                                                                                                               bonnets  or  simply  showing  your  much
       Apparently  trampolines  are  a  common  cause  of                                                                      appreciated and valued support.
       accidents for children, though of course accidents in
       the  home  can  happen  at  any  time.  The  Red  Cross
       have  some  excellent  first  aid  training  videos  and                                                                                       th
       advice on their website, including specialised advice for dealing with children and   Next at the Pop In Place we have our AGM Friday 4  May at
       babies.                                       10.30 Lower room
       Another place where you can get health advice and help is your local pharmacy.      We welcome any  new team members to join us particularly those who are able to
       I have recently visited a pharmacy, and was impressed by the range of support       help at sessions and we look forward to a talk by the Wareham Lions Club on the
       available.  Many  pharmacists  have  consultation rooms  for  private  conversations,   work that they do and an update from Rev Alan on his work in South Africa.
       and  it’s  good  to  remember  that  pharmacists  are  trained  experts  in  managing

       minor illnesses and using medicines safely.
                                                                                           Pop In Place Village Quiz Wednesday 16  May to book a team
       I recently met the senior regional officer for the Royal College of Nursing to discuss   of four email me on
       a range of issues facing nurses in the NHS. Nurses are the back bone of the NHS,
       and work incredibly hard day and night across the country. I am delighted a pay
       deal has been agreed meaning that 1.1 million NHS workers including nurses and      Afternoon Café
       midwives will receive a significant pay increase. This will be between 6.5 per cent
       and 29 per cent and the lowest earning NHS staff such as porters, cleaners and      During  this  month  we  have  our  usual  cafes  sessions  plus  the  extra  Wednesday
       hospital caterers will see their wages rise by 15 per cent over the next three years.    Afternoon this is Wednesday the 16  May 1pm -3pm  this is run by Victoria Birch
                                                                                           and hopes to attract a new client group of younger people but it is important to
       A  number  of  people  have  contacted  me  about  the  drug  Orkambi,  and  its    emphasise that everyone whatever age will always be made welcome.
       availability  for  sufferers  of  Cystic  Fibrosis.  I  was  pleased  to  be  able  to  attend  a

                                                                                           New Movement to Music at the Pop In Place on Monday
                                                                                           Mornings (Upper Hall )
              LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT                                                   We are a friendly group meeting Mondays 9.30am for 40 minutes; it is for anyone
                                                                                           who wants to take a little more exercise but is not mega fit. The sessions will be led
         Michael Tomlinson MP                                                             by one of our team with choreography background and designed especially for
         holds regular surgeries                                                           this client group with suitable music and movement.
        in the constituency.  For     01202 624216                                        We are asking for a £3 fee per person per week.. You are very welcome to visit the
         details of forthcoming                         Pop In Place Community Café after the class for refreshments.
        surgeries or to make an                                                           Come along and give it a try, you will be made very welcome.
         appointment, please           @Michael4MDNP

           contact his office.

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