Page 35 - BR-May-2018
P. 35

May 2018                              May 2018


       Bovington & Bere Regis School

       More  than  £3M  is  being  invested  in  education  for
       children  with  special  educational  needs  and
       disabilities (SEND) in Dorset. Dorset County Council’s
       Cabinet has recently agreed to spend just over £2M
       –  plus  a  £1M  grant  from  central  Government  –
       catering  for  children  with  complex  communication
       needs.  However,  the  costs  will  be  fully  recouped
       over a short period of time.
       This includes a new purpose-built school in Bovington
       for September 2020. Funded by the Education and
       Skills  Funding  Agency,  it  will  provide  places  for  160
       children with autism, as well as social, emotional and mental health needs. The
       school will support pupils from Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole. This will provide an
       essential  service  to  the  Community  whilst  saving  considerable  time  money  and
       effort as many of these pupils are currently transported a considerable distance
       for their education, many out of County altogether. The old school in Bere Regis
       will be used in the interim from September 2019 for one year with up to 40 pupils
       being housed there before they transfer to the new school in Bovington. Not only
       is this good news educationally but it will provide an injection into the economies
       of  both  Bere  Regis  and  Bovington  with  a  large  number  of  ancillary  jobs  and
       services being required to support the schools.

       Boundary Review
       We are conducting a boundary review to coincide with the elections to the single
       rural authority in May 2019. The proposals are currently being worked up and will
       be presented to government and will then be the subject of a public consultation
       from  3   July  to  27th  August  of  this  year.  If  agreed  it  will  be  announced  by
       September or October 2018 in time for the 2019 elections. There are currently over
       200  Councillors,  District  and  County,  and  the  proposal  is  to  reduce  them  to  82
       which is double the number of existing County councillors. All wards will be brand
       new  and  there  will  be  an  aim  to  have  single  member  wards  where  possible.
       Average  electorate  will  be  3757  per  ward.  The  three  key  criteria  are  electoral
       equality of voters, Community cohesion, and effective governance; however, it
       appears  that  the  first  is  by  far  the  most  important.  As  soon  as  I  know  of  the
       consultation details I will publicise them.

       Minerals Consultation

        DCC  has  submitted  the  Minerals  and  Waste  Plans.  Having  been  formally

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