Page 26 - BR-May-2018
P. 26

May 2018                                                                             May 2018
       Flowers and Cleaning Rota                                                              Paul Martin      07788 185048
                                                                                                               01929 289323
       Date:         Flowers:             Cleaning:                                         Electrics
       5 May          Trish Killbank       Shirley Prideaux
       12 May         Doreen Sanderson     Doreen Sanderson                                  Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty years’
                                                                                             experience offering:-
       19 May         Amanda Parker        Amanda Parker
                                                                                                                                   Small load  -  £75  Large load  -  £160
                                                                                              Consumer Unit (fuse
       26 May         Sue Taylor           Sue Taylor
                                                                                              board) Replacement
       2 June         Susan Wood           Susan Wood
                                                                                              Emergency call-out
                                                                                              Additions and
       Thank you to everybody who helped decorate the church for Easter.
                                                                                              Alterations to Existing
                                                                                              Portable Appliance
       Mowing                                                                                 Testing
       Rota           Area 1         Area 2         Area 3       Area 4                      No VAT – Fully Insured
                                                                                             Part P Compliant
       30 Apr – 13    Alec Armitage   David Buck    Steve        Chris Parker                Free Estimates
       May                                          Wootton                                  All Work Guaranteed

       14 - 27 May    Ian Kaye       Graham Nobbs  Ivor Bryant   Chris Parker

       28 May – 10    Henry Hogger   David Payne    Roger Smith   Chris Parker                                                            Dorchester

                                                                                                                                      Picture and framing service
                                                                                                                                        with a wide selection of
                                                Quality Tax and                                                                          mounts and frames.
           KingsBere                                Accounting                                                                         Open most days but best
                                                                                                                                       call first before making a
                                                                                                                                              special trip.
           Accountants                     For professional advice, dealing with all                                        
                                                aspects of accounts and tax

                                           Day and evening appointments available                                                        The Old School House
                                                                                                                                          Tincleton DT2 8QR
                 Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304                                                                            01305 848909


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