Page 21 - BR-May-2018
P. 21

May 2018                              May 2018


                 people here today will know that without Tony, life in Bere Regis will
                 never be quite the same !
         But underneath this selfless character was a great suffering a suffering that you
         seldom heard him talk about, a rare form of cancer that affects the head and
         the neck. There is no doubt that the endless operation from the young age of
         eight would have been too much for many, but Tony was incredibly brave and
         instead of being self-pitying he threw himself into trying to help others he was
         involved in so much especially the Pop In Place he had helped on the team
         ever since he left Jenkins farm and came up to Bere to live.

         No  event  would  be  complete  without  Tony  in  his  high-vis  directing  the  traffic
         sorting the car parking and generally getting people organised. For a time he
         was referred to as the fourth emergency service as whenever there was a road
         traffic accident locally Tony would appear even before anyone else with High
         Vis and start directing the  traffic.

 LYTCHETT-LINE OUTINGS CLUB – HAMPTON   Tony has always used the thumbs up  for a hello or a goodbye, often he used
         the double thumbs up this was particularly worrying when he was driving his van
 COURT FLOWER SHOW – SAT 7 JULY   but he had been doing it for years it was probably fairly safe.
         The last time I saw him the day before he passed away he was very frail but he
 Well,  bookings  are  trickling  in  and  we’re  now   did wake momentarily and gave us the thumbs up and said …well done !

 over  half  full  on  the  coach,  but  we  need  to   On  behalf  of  the  Pop In  Place  where  Tony  spent  so  much  of  his  later  life  we
 finalise  numbers  very  soon,  or  forfeit  our   would like to say Well done!
 reservation  for  the  wonderful  RHS  flower  show
 at  Hampton  Court  Palace  on  Saturday  7  July.    For  the  incredible  bravery  you  have  shown  in  your  life    Well  done  !  For  your
 Their tickets aren’t cheap, but we get £5 each   friendship  and  for  everything  you  have  done  for  others  in  the  village  and
 off for our group booking.     beyond,  a massive thank you and a double thumbs up!

 When we went last time it proved very popular
 as it has much more to offer than the Chelsea
 Flower Show, over a much bigger area (and so
 not  crowded),  and  at  a  much  lower  price,  so
 do book as soon as possible.

 The price, including the coach and entrance, is
 £50 each.  We’ll leave Lytchett Matravers at 08.30 and the Flower Show at 16.30,
 to  be  back  home  at  c.19.00.    Come  and  join  us  and  have  some  fun  with  our
 friendly club!

 New club members are very welcome, and membership is free  – just ring (after
 10.00 please!)

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