Page 23 - BR-May-2018
P. 23

May 2018                              May 2018
 NEWS   JUNIOR                    “Why don’t you come and join us at the

       CHURCH                      Family Service on the second Sunday
 Prescription Charges                  of every month at 11.00 am”
 From  April  1st  2018,  prescription  charges
 have  increased  from  £8.60  to  £8.80  per
 item. If you regularly need multiple items, it
 might  be  worthwhile  considering  buying  a
 prescription  pre  -payment  certificate  .  At
 the  moment,  the  prepayment    charge  has  not  increased.  Ask  for  details  at  the

 Carers Meeting
 The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 19th June at the Scout Hut, Bere Regis
 from  2-4pm.  Please  check  notice  board  in  Surgery  waiting  room  for  details  of

       April’s Junior Church Service celebrated Easter. The children started with an egg
 GP in Training   hunt,  which  also  involved  finding  an  Easter  picture  with  each  egg.  These  were
       then  discussed  and  put  into  a  chronological  order,  (whereas  the  eggs  were
 The Surgery, Patients and Staff would like to welcome Dr Hannah Lever who will be   eaten). Later these Easter pictures came into the talk in the service. There were
 joining  the  team  for  the  next  four  months.  She  will  be  mentored  by  Dr  James
       also  Easter  hymns  and  some  Easter  songs  from  school,  plus  some  lively  puppet
 Sadly we had to say farewell to Dr Sarah  Whittaker, and wished her well for the   Next  month  we  will  be
                                                         celebrating   the   fact
                                                         that  the  Junior  Church

 Shingles Vaccinations                                   has   been   operating
                                                         puppets  for  ten  years.
 For those patients who have now  reached the age of 70, you are eligible for a   The  first  puppet  song
 shingles vaccination. If you would like to have one, please contact the Surgery to   was performed by Rose
 make an appointment.                                    and  Claire  at  the  Pet
                                                         Service  in  2008.  The

                                                         song  was  a  religious
 Knitted Squares/St                                      version   of   S-Club
 Thomas’Hospital                                         Seven’s  “Reach  for  the
 A  big  ‘thank  you’  to  all  who  knitted/
 crocheted  the    bonding    squares  for  the          It will be our annual Pet
 Neonatal  Intensive  Care  Unit.  The  response         Service  on  May  13 .  All
 was  brilliant.  We  would  like    to  ask  for  your   pets  are  welcome,  and  for  the  shyer  pets,  you  could  bring  a  photograph.  The
 support  again    if  possible  to  do  the  same   service will take place outside.  All are welcome, please do come and join us.
 again in October/November 2018.

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