Page 24 - BR March 2024 - converted
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March 2024                                                                          March 2024

                       BERE REGIS NEWS                                                     POP IN PLACE NEWS

       BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL                                                            Pop In Place Performers Group (One for all
                                                                                            and all for one)

                                                                                            At the end of January the Pop In Performers staged three
       Chairman:       n Park   07970 727792                brilliant  pantomimes  “Robin  Hood  and  the  Sherwood
                                                                                            Performers”  We  have  had  some  wonderful  reviews  and  we  certainly  all  had  a
       Vice       Bryan     07969 770890                 great time rehearsing for it.
       Chairman:  Benjafield

       Parish     Amanda    07855 396073
       Clerk:     Crocker


       The Parish Council met on Thursday 8  February 2024 in the Village Hall. There were
       three  members  of  the  public  present.  Members  of  the  press  and  public  are
       welcome  and  there  is  a  period  for  public  participation  at  the  start.  If  you  are
       unable to attend but wish to submit a comment or question, please contact the
       Clerk or any member of the Parish Council.

       Village Meeting

       We will be holding our annual village meeting at the Scout Hut on Saturday 20
       April. Further details will be released next month, but currently we are planning to
       have  information  available  on  the  Neighbourhood  Plan  Review,  new  potential
       plans for a Community Hall and the launch of a Parish-wide traffic and community
       survey.                                                                              Also   we   raised   amazing   £1,050   for   the
                                                                                            Southampton Immunotherapy Centre.
       D-Day Events                                                                         We  also  were  delighted  to  present  two  special
                                                                                            awards on the Friday night show.
       We are currently planning for the 80  Anniversary of D-Day in June, and intend to
       light the beacon on the evening of Thursday 6  June and have some refreshments       The  “Pamela  Hoare  most  improved  Performers  Award”  went  to  Matty  Maunder
       available.  If  you  would  like  to  be  involved  in  helping  organise  any  additional   and the “Pastor Jim Award for outstanding performer” went to Peter Gordon for
       events   to   commemorate     this,   please   contact   the   Clerk   on            his portrayal of the Sheriff of Nottingham.
                                                                                            Thank you to everyone who supported this event and made it the unforgettable
                                                                                            event that it was.
       May’s Wood                                                                           We are now working on our new show Magic of the Musicals to be staged at the
       Following the closure of part of the land at May’s Wood and the ensuing number       end of June.

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