Page 25 - BR March 2024 - converted
P. 25

March 2024                            March 2024
       of complaints, the Clerk managed to make direct contact with Dr Brian May to
       discuss the issue. Whilst no change in the situation is imminent, Dr May was keen to
       hear the opinion of local visitors on the issue, and as such we are currently trying
       to arrange a public meeting with Dr May in attendance, so that both sides of the
       issue can be heard and any attempts at compromise could be pursued.

       Parish Council Elections
       Alongside the Dorset Council Elections in May of this year, all seats on the Parish
       Council  will  be  up  for  re-election  and  all  councillors  wishing  to continue in  their
       role  must  stand  for  re-election.  If  you  would  like  to  apply  to  become  a  Parish
       Councillor  and  stand  for  election  in  May,  please  contact  the  Clerk  on or visit the Dorset Council website for more details.

       Memorial Bench

       Following  an  approach  from  his  son,  we  were  pleased  to  help  facilitate  the
       purchase and fitting of a bench in memory of the late Mark Newbold. This will be
       sited outside of the Drax Arms.

       New Noticeboard

       The Parish Council recently approved the fabrication of a new metal noticeboard
       which  has  been  installed  at  the  entrance  of  Cemetery  Lane.  This  will  shortly  be
       fitted with a new interpretation board giving information on Black Hill as well as
       details of some walks in the area. We will also be updating the other information
       boards around the village in due course. In the meantime, we would ask residents
       to  remember  that  Cemetery  Lane  should  be  kept  clear  at  all  times  to  allow
       access for emergency and maintenance vehicles.

       Next Meeting
       The next meeting will be held on Thursday 14  March 2024 commencing 7pm at
       the Village Hall. If you wish to have an item added to the agenda for discussion,
       please contact the Clerk or a member of the Parish Council before the 1  March.

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