Page 39 - br-mar-2022
P. 39

March 2022                            March 2022
 VILLAGE HALL                                a  day  collecting  these  from  north
                                             Dorset  and  healing  them  in,  ready  to
 The Village Hall is available for hire for £8 per hour.    be  planted  up  in  the  Autumn  and
                                             hopefully  forming  part  of  a  ‘food
 Although it is an old building it is very clean and can be a   forest’.  We  also  recently  held  our
 very  suitable  meeting  place  for  a  variety  of  committee   community  drop-in  days,  for  people
 meetings or groups parties and family events etc.    from the local area to come and chat
 VILLAGE                                     with myself and Rob about the site and
 While  we  are  still  trying  to  secure  somewhere  to  have  a   our  plans  for  the  future.  We  really
 new hall and consequently raise the funds to build it, we   HALL   wanted to get opinions and ideas for a
 really do need to keep the current Hall going, and to do   few areas on site, mainly the barns and
 this we need the support of villagers.      the  open  access  fields.  Further  to  the

 During Covid 19 many hire groups stopped and with the exception of the Pop In   drop-in  sessions,  we  will  be  circulating
 Place and the Parish Council they have not as yet rebooked.   some  form  of  questionnaire  to  gain  more  understanding  on  what  the  local
       community  would  like  to  see.  Please  look  out  for  this  on  the  village  Facebook
 This means that the income on the building is compromised somewhat  if you feel   page and in your emails.
 you can in some small way support your Village Hall, please now is the time to do
 so.    We  are  also  planning  to  hold  some  guided  walks  for  the  Queen’s  Jubilee
       celebrations in June, with more information to follow soon!
  If you would like to see what is available please give me a ring 01929 472023 and
 I would be happy to show you around.    Seb Haggett, Wilder Dorset Community Ranger,

 New at the Hall this year  -
 Table Tennis Hire
 Also  available  for  hourly  hire table
 tennis  table  at  £10  per  hour  this
 includes  hall  hire  and  rackets  and
 Alison Bennett Village Hall

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