Page 41 - br-mar-2022
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March 2022                            March 2022

    this  way  then  that.  After  several   BERE REGIS WI
 tumbles  I  was  at  the  waters  edge
 and ready to lever myself onto dry
 land.  Somehow,  Jonathan’s   We  do  hope  that  you  have  noticed  the  green
 description  of  “easy  peasy”  was   hearts  scattered  around  the  village  and
 not as accurate as I had hoped.    probably  wondered  why  they  are  there.  We
       were  trying  to  "SHOW  THE  LOVE".  This  is  a  WI
 What a swim, what an experience,   campaign to turn February green and take part
 what a day to remember! This was   in  the  Climate  Coalition  and  help  protect  our  native  wildlife.  For  example
 not  for  the  faint  hearted  but  I  am              H e d g e h o g s    h a v e
 sure  on  a  calmer  day,  it  would                   dropped  to  a  third  of
 have  been  much  easier.  So  when                    levels  at  the  start  of  the
 you are next on the Purbecks, treat                    century.  Also  tortoiseshell
 yourself to a  wonderful  walk along                   butterflies  have  dropped
 our stunning Jurassic coastline and if you stumble across Seacombe, stay a while   by seventy percent in the
 and let your thoughts wander in this timeless peaceful place.   last  10  years.  A  worrying
 Bob Holman                                             thought.
                                                        As  mentioned  in  the  last
                                                        Magazine  we  had  a  very
                                                        interesting  talk  by  a  lady
       from  the  National  Trading  Standards  (South  West).  It  appears  that  there  are
       criminals  everywhere  who  want  to  take  your  money  or  obtain  your  personal
       details for illegal purposes. Scammers may trick you online, by phone, by post or in
       person. They are particularly trying to scam the elderly who are more likely to be

       There are many ways you can protect yourself from scams - too many to mention
       in  this  article  but  basically  be  suspicious  of  any  unusual  telephone  calls,  NEVER
       give  your  Banking  details  or  personal  information  to  anyone  you  don't  know  or
       trust. If you think you might have been a victim you should inform your Bank or call
       the Citizens Advice Consumer helpline (03454 04 05 06) or Action Fraud (0300 123
       On a happier note the WI are celebrating International Women's Day on the 18th
       March celebrating gains and highlighting the inequalities that persist for women
       across the globe. This includes work, care and pay, control over our own bodies
       and  no  more  violence  against  women.  These  are  great  ideas  for  social  media
       content and actions that members can take in their own communities but for the
       men in Bere Regis it might mean that no dinner will be served that day!!
       Talking of food we regret to say that the WI Pancake Day meeting with the Bere
       Regis  School  will  not  take place  again  this  year  due  to  Covid  restrictions in  the
       Our  next  Meeting  on  Wednesday  16th  March  at  the  Bere  Regis  Sports  Hall  is  a
       "Cruise  along  the  Jurassic  Coast"  an  illlustrated  talk  by  Steve  Belasco.  Please
       come and join us you will be very welcome.

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