Page 34 - br-mar-2022
P. 34

March 2022                                                                          March 2022
            12 hours clearing paths, including along Rye Hill, removing the leaves and
             clearing the gutter.
       Other duties include opening and closing the cemetery every day, keeping the
       Cross and central car park tidy and litter free, maintaining the verges around the
       village and collecting recycling from around the village.
       His duties vary depending on the time of year and what events or issues arise. Had
       we not got a Lengthsman, much of the work he does would have to be done by
       Dorset  Council  or  volunteers.  This  means,  rather  than  have  someone  who  can
       respond instantly, any defect would have to be logged with Dorset Council and
       then could take over a month before anything was done.

       Wildlife Group

       The  Wildlife  Group  have  continued  their  winter  tasks  which  have  been  mainly
       clearing scrub between the newly surfaced streamside walk and the stream. We
       are very pleased with the help we are getting from a number of new volunteers
       and a big thank you to them. As well as scrub clearance a disconcerting number
       of  empty  wine  bottles  were  found  on  the  last  working  party  session.      We
       understand that there are other sites where discarded bottles have been found.
       We  would  ask  everyone  to  take  their
       litter  home  and  safeguard  our
       beautiful  nature  reserve  and  the
       environment for which many residents
       work so hard.

       Next Meeting

       The  next  meeting  will  be  held  on
       T h u r s d a y   1 0 t h    M a r c h   2 0 2 2 ,
       commencing 7pm at the Drax Hall.
         Amanda Crocker, Clerk to Bere Regis
                             Parish Council

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