Page 44 - br-mar-2022
P. 44

March 2022                                                                          March 2022

       Sports Club  -  Picnic at the Park                                                  late.    Landlords  make  sure  your  products  are  covered  in  properties  you  own.
                                                                                           Check  that  all  the  household  appliances  are  registered  so  that  you  are
       On Sunday afternoon the Sports Club intend hosting a ‘Picnic at the Park’ event     contacted  quickly  if  they  are  recalled.    Check  that  products  are  registered  in
       between 2.30pm and 7.30pm. Parishioners are invited to bring their own picnic,      rented  accommodation.    Check  that  the  owner  has  registered  the  household
       but  sorry,  no  barbecues.  The  bar  will  be  open  and  a  range  of  soft  drinks  also   appliances. If they have not you should register the products yourself.
       available. We will also organise some 1950’s style Sports Day activities such as Egg
       & Spoon races, Sack races and the like (within modern day H&S regulations!) We      If  you  are  concerned about a  product’s  safety  contact  Dorset  Council Trading
       are also arranging for some live music during the afternoon.                        Standards by calling the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 0808 223 1133.

       Wildlife Walks                                                                       SEACOMBE
       Dorset  Wildlife  Trust  are  planning  to  organise  walks  around  the  new  Wild
       Woodbury site at the former Court Farm.                                              I am not sure whether I want to tell you as it is Dorset’s best kept secret!

                                                                                            I had  asked  my  friend Doctor  Jonathan  Easterbrooke to share  his thoughts with
       Songs of Praise                                                                      me on his best and most iconic wild swim. Well I am afraid that Jonathan is like me
                                                                                            when it comes to wild swimming, a bit of a head case and a little off the wall.
       A special Church service will take place at 10.30 am on the morning of Sunday
       5th June to which everyone is invited.  During this time, entry to the Exhibition will   His favourite place to swim turned out to be Seacombe, a rocky inlet between
       be suspended but the displays will still be in place until the end of the day.       Winspit  and  Dancing  Ledge.  This  sounded  interesting  because  I  knew  that  if
                                                                                            Jonathan was in love with Seacombe, I would be entranced by its charms.

       The Exhibition                                                                       I had been running my Swim Trek day for the East Dorset Open Water Swimming
                                                                                            Club for the past couple of years consisting of a series of iconic wild swims around
       Over  the  course  of  the  four  day  weekend,  there  will  be  an  exhibition  in  the   the  stunning  Purbeck  coast.  My  first  thought  was  to  include  Seacombe  in  this
       Church.  Previously, we have held Floral and Quilts displays but this time there will   year’s swimming adventure.
       be  the  opportunity  for  our  village  artists,  crafters,  photographers  and  poets  to
       display their creations. Potential participants have already been contacted, but     On  Sunday  15 .  July  our  group  of 22 intrepid  souls  set  off  to  swim  Durdle  Door,
       we would be happy to hear from others who would like to take part.  There will       Lulworth  Cove,  Stair  Hole,  Worbarrow  Bay,  Winspit,  Dancing  Ledge  and
       also be the opportunity to have a sit down with a cuppa and a piece of cake          Seacombe.
       and, relax in the cool of the church or get out of the rain  -  whatever the weather   Seacombe has kept its charms hidden from all but a few local people or more
       decides to do.                                                                       curious  strangers.  The  south  west  coast  path  goes  right  past,  but  because  it  is

       Diane Edmonds is the contact for the Flowers and Quilts.  She can be contacted                                                     unmarked,   few   stop   to
       by  email  on    Alison  Debenham  and  Jill  Marsden                                                  investigate.
       are   organizing   the   Arts   and   Crafts   displays.      Their   emails   are                                                 You  climb  over  a  gate  and or                                                                                walk  down  a  grassy  path
       The photos opposite are from the Floral and Quilts exhibition which took place in                                                  which then  drops  to  a gully.
       2017.  As you can see, there were some wonderful creations  and we are hoping                                                      At  the  bottom  the  inlet
       that this year will see some even more delightful exhibits.                                                                        opens  to  the  sea  beyond.
                                                                                                                                          My  air  of  expectation  grew

                                                                                                                                          as  we  descended  the  gully.
       Other Activities                                                                                                                   Would the swim be as good
                                                                                                                                          as  Jonathan  suggested  or a
       As  more  events  are  planned  and details  worked  out,  further information  will be                                            bit of an anticlimax?
       circulated in this magazine, through the village Facebook group and on posters.

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