Page 19 - br-march-2020
P. 19

March 2020                            March 2020


 NEWS            In 2011 Charlie died and Kath moved to Turberville Court and carried
                 on filling every minute of every day with her clubs, choir, outings and
        flowers.  About 6 years ago the worst thing that could happen to Kath was her
 VILLAGE HALL NEWS   diagnosed Age Related Macular Degeneration. She was losing her sight and her
        life as she knew it. Then she had to stop driving and the car had to go which was
        a real wrench and Kath felt she had lost her freedom. No more trips out for ice
 As  we  batten  down  the  hatches  for  the  second
 named storm this year ‘Storm Dennis’ its good to be   creams. Now in her mid nineties she carried on doing as much as she still could
 able  to  see  the  snowdrops  on  display  and  the   with her various clubs and piano playing but over the last couple years her sight
 daffodils on their way out of the ground reminding   deteriorated  quite  quickly  leaving  her  unable  to  see much  at  all  and  she  also
 us that spring is just round the corner. Last month I   began to get frail. She had to give up playing the piano and many clubs and
 told you we where just putting the finishing touches to our Burns night celebrations   outings. Over the last year it seemed she spent more of her time in her flat seeing
 and I’m please to be able to say all our hopes and efforts came together in an   fewer and fewer people and growing more frail, frustrated with her age related
 excellent  night  of  superb  food  and  a  full  bar  with  the  haggis  being  processed   disabilities.
        After  being  hospitalised  on  Boxing  Day  after  a  fall  in  her  kitchen,  she  passed
        away peacefully in the early hours of January 22nd. I like to think that she is now
        with her beloved Charlie and my mum.

        Kath loved Bere Regis and she did a lot for the village and the number of people
        here  to  remember  her  is  testament  to  her  popularity  and  hearts  she  touched.
        And to think if she hadn’t happened to stop outside a butchers shop in a small
        village in Dorset, none of us would be here in this church today and  Bere Regis
        and so many people would be the poorer for not knowing her. Goodbye Kath.
        You will be sorely missed but never forgotten and always loved.

        Tribute from Parish Council chairman
        The funeral of Kath Jeeves, cheerful and enthusiastic contributor to nearly every
        Bere Regis organisation and activity over a span of almost 60 years, was held at
        Weymouth Crematorium on St Valentine’s Day, 14  February.
        In the afternoon, the parish church was filled with her family and the many friends
        and colleagues from all the organisations she had been involved with over the
        years, at a Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving for
        her  life.  At  Kath’s  request,  there  was  no  mourning,  so,
        with  colour  and  music  we  celebrated  the  life  of  this
        lovely lady who gave so much fun and enjoyment to so
        many people, young and old, for so many years.
        Rest in Peace and Laughter, Kath. We shall miss you so
        Ian Ventham

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