Page 20 - br-march-2020
P. 20

March 2020                                                                          March 2020


                 Janet Brady
        Janet was born on 22  July 1939 at 50 West Street, Bere Regis - the youngest of
        five  children  of  Owen  and  Elsie  Skinner,  joining  her  four  older  brothers  Dennis,
        Gerald, Raymond & Leonard. Janet grew up in Bere Regis, attending the village
        school and made many life long friends.
        Her older brothers spent time away in the army and Leonard fondly remembers
        the  many  letters  that  Janet  would  send  them.  It  was  simpler  times  during  her
        childhood,  when  the  village  children  had  to  make  their  own  fun.  Jean  Gibbs
        recalls her and Janet going to Woodbury Hill Fair, country dancing, catching the
        old  bus  to  Milborne  for  netball  and  cookery  classes,  films  at  the  old  WI  Hut,
        bonfires  at  the  allotments  and  playing  on  West  Street  before  there  was  any
        traffic. They also used to enjoy the Bedford & Jesty outings by coach, which all
        the family would join, to places like the Isle of Wight, although it mostly seemed
        to rain.

        Janet left school at 15, about a year after her Dad died, and started working for
        Bedford & Jesty at the Watercress beds in Doddings. Janet worked throughout
        most  of  her  life,  mainly  with  watercress  but  also  at  a local  school  and  always
        around the needs of her family.
        Her  husband,  Joe  Brady,  was  part  of  a  group  of  Irish  workmen  who  came  to
        Bere Regis to lay the water mains pipes in the late 1950’s  – he met Janet and
        ended  up  never  leaving.  They  married  in  1961  and  went  on  to  have  four
        children  –  Patrick,  Andrew,  Julie  and  Shaun.  They  lived  at  first  with  Janet’s
        mother at 50 West Street, then spent a few years at Bovington before returning
        to  Bere  Regis  –  first  at  Green  Close  until  1975  and  then  to  Southbrook  where
        Janet spent 45 very happy years.
        Janet enjoyed trips back to Ireland with Joe to see his family and spent time in
        Scotland,  the  north  of  England,  London  and  Oxford  often  visiting  Joe’s  many
        brothers and sisters. Joe and Janet shared a love of gardening, growing many
        vegetables  and flowers together and had a happy                                                                                     £
        but  busy  life  bringing  up  their  four  children.  Janet
        sadly lost Joe to cancer in 1985 and never remarried,
        remaining at the family home in Southbrook. Patrick,
        Julie  and  Shaun  settled  in  the  area  with  Andrew
        moving away for work and spending time overseas.
        Janet  quickly  overcame  her  fear  of  flying  to  travel
        with  family  to  visit  Andrew  in  Scotland,  Dubai,  Paris
        and Italy.
        Janet  was  extremely  close  to  her Mum  Elsie,  visiting

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