Page 15 - br-march-2020
P. 15

March 2020                            March 2020
        When  the  refugees  landed  on  Lesbos,  they  were  met  by  Christian  volunteers,

       offering  food,  clothing  and  shelter,  and  also  sharing  the  Gospel  (good  news
       about Jesus) with them.
          When they heard the story of Jesus walking on the water (John 6:15-21), the little
       girl  cried  out:  “That’s  the  man  who  pulled  me  out  of  the  water!”      Her  Muslim
       parents  dedicated  their  lives  to  Christ  and  went  on  to  found  a  Farsi-  speaking
       church in Athens.

       It goes to show that the One, who walked on water in Galilee, is alive today!  The
       Gospel is really true.  There is nothing more inspiring or more important to consider
       than Jesus dying for us all, taking the burden of our sins upon Himself, before rising
       from the dead and giving eternal life to those who believe in Him. But the Gospel
       that brings full forgiveness and new life, also requires a total commitment of our
       lives to Jesus.  It is more than signing up to a set of beliefs.  It is leaving behind our
       personal  hopes  and  ambitions  and  living  only  for  Him  who  gave  His  life  for  us.
       (Mark 8:35)

       (This  report  of  boat-crossing  miracle  is  courtesy  of  missionaries  working  with
       Hellenic Ministries in Greece.)

       Just a Smile
       Teacher:  What are you drawing, Susan?

       Susan:       A picture of Jesus.

       Teacher:   But no one knows what Jesus looks like.
       Susan:       They will when I’ve finished.

       “Why don’t you publish your sermons?” someone asked the parson

       “Well,  perhaps I will -  posthumously,” he replied modestly
       “O please do,” enthused the first – “And make it soon!”
                                                                   Joyce Healey

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