Page 13 - br-march-2020
P. 13

March 2020                            March 2020
       Flowers and Cleaning Rota
 and some a little longer, and volunteers can select the route they prefer.  All help

 is very welcome.  In the meantime if you would like further information please call
 Sue Jones on 01929 471375.   Date:      Flowers:        Cleaning:
 There  are  two  vacancies  on  the  Parish  Council.    For  anyone  wishing  to  put   7 March    Lent         Hilly Menzies
 themselves forward, or simply wishing to find out more, please contact the Parish   14 March   Lent         Mary Nesling
 Clerk at
       21 March       Lent                 Elizabeth Whatley
       28 March       Lent                 Elizabeth Whatley
 Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle Parish Council – Contact Details    4 April     Lent, Palm Sunday   Nicky Killer

 Parish Councillor/   Email Address   Telephone   Mowing Rota
 Clerk   number
 Anna Bendall – Parish          Area 1   Area 2   Area 3   Area 4
 Clerk   m
       2 – 15 March    Richard Killer   Chris Parker   Robin Snaith   Allan Smith
 Sue Jones - Chairman   01929 471375

 Charles Barter – Vice   01929 463663   16 – 29 March   Paul   William Smith   Sandy Moriarty  Steve
                       Nottingham                                Sanderson
 Lizzie Guinn   01305 848916
       30 March – 12   Mike Menzies  Nigel Payne   Ken Kilbank   David Coates
 Graham Lightfoot   01929 471498   April

 Sarah Lowman   01929 472702
 Stuart Chorley   01929 472869

 Trevor Poole   01929 471496   OTHER CHURCHES NEWS



       Thank  you  to  everyone  who  came  and  gave  so
       generously  at  our  January  coffee  morning.  We  raised
       an  amazing  £328!    The  coffee  morning  was  held  to

       raise  funds  for  the  Weldmar  Hospice  in  Dorchester,  a
 When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw   cause very close to our hearts.
 their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the   We have a number of events coming up in March.
 effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more   Our Service on the 1  March will be led by Rev Gwyneth Owen, everyone is very
 advertising revenue!!   welcome.

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