Page 36 - BR-March-2018
P. 36

March 2018                                                                          March 2018

       no light pollution.   A warmer activity                                                                                       and  after  school  sports  clubs,
       back  at  the  scout  hut  was  looking                                                                                       including  triathlon,  dodgeball,
       for  Nessie  –  not  in  a  loch  but  head                                                                                   cheerleading,   gymnastics  to
       first  in  a  large  bowl  of  cooked
                                                                                                                                     name a few!  Year 3/4 as part of
                                                                                                                                     a  World  War  2  topic,  dressed  as

                                                                                                                                     evacuees  and  spent  a  fun  filled
                                                                                                                                     day at Nothe Fort in  Weymouth.
                                                                                                                                     Reception  class  visited  the  Bere
                                                                                                                                     Regis  Fire  Station  and  enjoyed
                                                                                                                                     getting  wet.    You  may  have
                                                                                                                                     noticed  children  from  Pebbles
                                                                                           (pre-school)  walking  around  the  village  and  surrounding  area.    Year  5/6
                                                                                           completed  a  learning  walk  of  the  village,  mapping  it  and  identifying  key
                                                                                           buildings.   Year 1/2 visited the RNLI in Poole, and the whole school enjoyed an
                                                                                           African drumming day.
                                                                                           You can read more about our themes and plans to take the school forward on
                                                s p a g h e t t i ,    w i t h    m u c h   our website –
                                                encouragement  from  the  other                                                  Wayne Roberts          Lucy Roberts
       team members – but no tomato sauce!!!   Cubs have been working towards their
                                                                                                                                 Headteacher      Chair of Governors
       personal safety badge and also made bird feeders from recycled plastic bottles.

       Beaver News
       One of the things that we try to do in Beavers in getting our young people to be
       more  independent  and  able  to  spend  a  night  away  from  home.    So  at  the
       beginning of February we celebrated Chinese New Year with a sleepover in the
       Scout Hut!  For these events we erect tents inside, and so it is just like camping (but
       less damp), and the beavers learn to sort out their beds and kit just as they would
       on a campsite.
       We  began  the  evening  with  craft  work,  and  all  the  beavers  made  a  Chinese
       dragon puppet, using chop sticks to hold them!  Then we all got cooking a stirfry
       Chinese supper (thanks to Rhiannon) - chopping vegetables with sharp knives and
       stirring the food in woks over gas stoves.  Some of the beavers loved the noodles
       and  sauces,  others  were  not  so  keen  -  most  made  a  good  effort  to  eat  with
       chopsticks (different ones from those we used in the craft!).  Most enjoyed the jam
       tarts they had made for pudding and the fortune cookies!
       Then we played a few games and got the tents sorted out, and the beavers got
       ready  for  story  and  bed.    It  took  them  a  long  while  to  settle,  but  they  were  all
       asleep between 11pm and 4am, which is quite an achievement for these nights
       away!  Then in the morning we had clear up, tents away, lucky gold coin craft
       and breakfast, more clearing up and finishing off craft until the parents arrived at
       9:30am!  It was a very successful themed sleepover, and it is wonderful to see how
       the beavers gain confidence over the 2 years they spend in this section.

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