Page 33 - BR-March-2018
P. 33

March 2018                            March 2018
 Pop In Performers Group are staging Mama Mia in June this
 year .                                           We  all  need  to  do  our  bit  to
                                                  help the environment. As well as
                                                  reducing the amount of rubbish
 We  are  all  working  towards  our  new  production  of  Mamma  Mia  we  will  be
                                                  we produce, we can also think
 raising funds for the Southampton immunotherapy centre. The dates of the show
 are:-                                            a  bit  more  about  what  we  do
                                                  with  our  rubbish.    There  are  a
 Thursday 21  June at 6pm                         range  of  local  schemes  to  re-
                                                  use  items,  rather  than  just
 Friday      22  June 7pm                         throwing   them   away,   with
                                                  collections in  local  libraries  and
 Saturday 23  of June at 4pm please note the matinee is later this time
                                                  community    centres   across

                                                  Dorset.  For  more  details  about
 Pop In Place AGM Friday 4  May 10.30 come and join the   what  can  be  reused,  visit  the
       ideas 2 actions website:
 team new member are very welcome
       I continue to hold regular surgeries for constituents all year round and if you have

       an  issue  that  you  need  help  with,  please  do  get  in  touch;  email  me  on
 Thank you to all our volunteers or contact my office
       on  01202  624216.  You  can  also  follow  what  I’ve  been
 Many volunteers are working so hard to keep things going, we are pleased to
 report that our lovely  Gwen is doing well, but because of the massive input both   doing   on   Twitter   @Michael4mdnp   or   Facebook
 Colin  and  Gwen had  with our  group  we  have  had  to  work  hard  to find  extra  or  on  my  website
 help. Thanks to Gill Hart for opening Monday Liz Gale for opening Friday and to
 Kim Benjafield  for  working so hard  on developing the Pound Shop. To Amanda
 Bendon  and Victoria Birch for transport and café help and to Charlie Bates for
 all her sterling work at the Café bar. Thank you to all our volunteers without you   AUTUMN LEAVES
 we could not keep this vital and much loved project going.
                       OVER  50’S CLUB
 Please Check out Pop In Place Website
 Alison  Bennett Team Leader 01929 472023
                        We  had  a  very  informative  talk  at  the
                        last  meeting  about  ‘May’s  Wood’
       covering its start and progress over the past four years by
       Linda Lamon with a fine set of colour slides and short video
       It was unfortunate that it was such a wet afternoon which
       prevented many members from venturing out.
       At  the  March  meeting  on  Wednesday  14th  at  2.30pm  in
       the  Scout  Hut  our  vicar  Charles  is  going  to  give  a  talk
       entitled  “Dog-collared”  which  I  am  sure  will  be  very
       interesting and no doubt about his many years experience
       as a parish priest.
       The Competition is for ‘One Daffodil’
       Do come and bring any friends to this friendly group.

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