Page 40 - BR-March-2018
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March 2018                                                                          March 2018

       NEWS FROM BERE REGIS                                                                 March will be full of outside activities, concentrating on Explore and Navigation
                                                                                            badges, and a trip to the Tank Museum to tie in with our 2018 Ribbon of Poppies
       PRIMARY AND PRE-SCHOOL                                                               project, to mark the centenary of the First World War.

       Southbrook, Bere Regis, BH20 7DB  01929 471334                                       There is always lots happening!

                                                                                            Prize Bingo
       Where  has  the  last  year  gone?    We  have  now  been  in  our
       new wonderful building  for over  12 months.  Since that time a                      Prize Bingo is usually every other Friday at the Scout Hut, in March the bingo nights
       lot has happened in our school.  We have seen a change in                            will be held on Friday 2 , 16  and 30th.  Doors open at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start.
       staffing, saying goodbye to colleagues that have been with                           Refreshments are available.
       the school for many years, Debbie Tibbey, Julie Govier, Vicky

       Opalka  and  Mandy  White  and  welcomed  some  new  faces;
       Ms Kay Gibbs our new deputy head and Miss Mandy Walker our new TA in Year            Scout hut hire
       5/6 and our new office administrator Mrs Paula Dale.
                                                                                            The  Scout  Hut  is  available  for  hire,  particularly  during  the  daytime  –  rates  from
       As you are aware the school has been through a difficult time over the last few      £7.00 per hour.
       months, as a result of our Ofsted.  One of the outcomes is having to become part
       a multi-academy trust (MAT.)  We are pleased to be joining The Thomas Hardye         For more information, please contact  Andrea Marshall on 01929 472588 or 0788
       MAT, in April this year.  We are looking forward to the exciting times ahead, as we   422 6445,
       develop this new partnership.
       As a result the School will be able to work more closely with other schools within
       the MAT, (and in particular receive support in Teaching and Learning from Thomas                          2 The Old Stables, Manor Farm Road, Bere Regis, BH20 7HD
       Hardye School). There will be wider opportunities for pupils in both curricular and
       extra-curricular  areas,  as  well  as  a  more  consistent  approach  to  teaching  and                                            
       learning. Also there will be enhanced training and development opportunities for                          01929 471023            
       staff and the School will be able to achieve economies of scale for purchasing
       items for the School.
                                                                                                               Bere  Regis  Dental  Practice  are  a  private  dental
       Parents  were  invited  to  meet  with  Mike  Foley,  (head  of  the  MAT)  and  ask                    practice  with  over  20  years  experience  and  a
       questions.    The  meeting  was  extremely  positive,  and  parents  that  attended  left               friendly atmosphere.
       with a greater understanding of the process.  The end result being that we will see
       very  little  change  in  our  day  to  day  operations,  and  our  key  focus  remains  on             We  offer a caring, gentle and professional service
                                     teaching  and  learning,  and  the  children’s          GENERAL           that  our  patients  from  all  across  the  county  have
                                     welfare.                                                DENTISTRY &       come to appreciate.
                                     Since  October  the  school  has  provided  an          GUM
                                     opportunity for Bere Regis Church worshipers to         RECESSION           FREE Dental Treatment
                                     use our facilities while the church roof is being       AND                  for children under 10
                                     replaced.    It  has  been  lovely  to  be  able  to    REVERSAL             years old
                                     support  the  wider  community,  and  open  our
                                     doors regularly to villagers.                           TEETH               FREE/EASY parking
                                     The children in the school continue to enjoy the                            Maintenance plans are
                                     wide range of opportunities available to them.          DENTAL               available from only
                                     This  includes  yr3/4  learning  a  range  of  brass    IMPLANTS             £16.50 per month  -  visit
                                     instruments this term, a wide variety of in school                           our website for more information

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