Page 28 - BR-March-2018
P. 28

March 2018                                                                          March 2018


       Local Plan Review

       At  the  end  of  January,  a  six-week  consultation  on
       housing options started. A letter, a special edition of
       About  Purbeck  and  a  questionnaire  was  sent  to
       every household and business in Purbeck. There was
       also  a  briefing  for  town  and  parish  councils  on  30
       January.    A  firm  of  independent  consultants  is
       helping  with  the  consultation  and  has  provided
       expert  guidance  and  input  into  developing  the
       materials.  They  will  also  be  carrying  out  a  telephone  survey  of  a  statistically
       representative  sample  of  households  during  February  and  March.  As  well  as  a
       questionnaire  posted  to  every  household  and  the  telephone  survey,  there  was
       also  a  series  of  drop-in  events  as  part  of  the  consultation  throughout  the
       consultation  period.  The  drop-in  events  are  staffed  by  Officers  and  Councillors.
       The  final  two  are:  Saturday  3  March  10am  –  4pm  Bere  Regis  Scout  Hut  and
       Saturday 10 March 10am – 4pm Moreton Village Hall In addition to these events,                                    Please      do  email  us
       we have arranged an infrastructure drop in event which will take place from 2pm     with offers of help, or  raffle prizes etc we will need people to serve teas and meet
       to 5pm on Thursday 1 March in the Council Chamber. Please do complete your          and greet people get in touch if you can help.
       consultation  document;  as  of  late  February,  nearly  3000  had  been  completed
       but we await many more.                                                             If you have any old photos of the time please do let us have them to copy you
                                                                                           can  email  or  drop  into  3  Rye  Hill  Close  for  us  to  scan

                                                                                                                               Alison and Paul  Bennett and Doreen Hall
       Purbeck District Council has confirmed
       it will continue to support the district’s
       Fairtrade  Zone  status.  As  well  as
       promoting  the  Fairtrade  mark
       whenever possible, the District Council
       serves  Fairtrade  tea  and  coffee  at  its
       meetings  and  helps  the  Purbeck
       Fairtrade Network produce a directory
       of  local  outlets  selling  Fairtrade

       Supporting  Fairtrade  in  the  district
       does not involve any financial commitment by Purbeck District Council. However,
       it  does  reaffirm  support  to  the  Fairtrade  Foundation  which  ensures  workers
       involved in the production of Fairtrade
       products  earn  a  decent  wage,  have  a  safe  working  environment  and  have
       access  to  health  and  education.  Fairtrade  products  are  available  to  purchase

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