Page 27 - BR-March-2018
P. 27

March 2018                            March 2018

       the  cost  of  having  the  van,  and  hope  the  children  continue  to  benefit  from
       external services such as these.

       NeighbourCar Scheme
       The NeighbourCar scheme is still short of drivers, meaning there is a serious risk that
       this hugely important scheme which helps transport people to vital appointments,
       shopping trips and similar needs, might not continue. If you have a car, and some
       spare  time  in  the  week,  please  contact  Brenda  House  on  01929  471255  or, so that we can hopefully get some new drivers
       signed up and maintain this valuable service.

                                                                 Bryan Benjafield

                                                 GARDENING CLUB

                                    On a bitterly cold February night the committee
                                    were  pleased  to  see  about  twenty  nine
                                    members turn out to hear a talk “with love from
        Brussells”.  No this was not a “Brexit” charm offensive but a talk by Mary Benger on
        how she took a Garden containing a few Brussell sprouts to a fabulous thirteen
        acre  Garden  in  East  Devon.    Mrs.  Benger  was  very  knowledgeable  and  the
        photographs of different shrubs gave us a real treat.  Maybe later this year we will
        organize and trip to see the garden in full bloom.
        Next month, we head off in a different direction for a talk on the Hidden Gardens
        in London by Bob Ayres.  Do not miss this one so turn up at the Drax Hall Tuesday
        6  March at 7.30 p.m


                          The  next  meeting  of  Bere  Regis  Floral  Group  will  be  on
                          Tuesday 13  March at 2pm in Winterborne Kingston village
                          hall.    The  demonstrator  is  to  be  the  ever-popular  Irene
                          Hickson who will be bringing us a seasonal demonstration to
                          lift our spirits and make us think of spring.
        Visitors and new members are always welcome.  Your first visit to the club is free
        of charge.

        For all information. Contact secretary Sue Stone on 01929 472083

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