Page 22 - BR-March-2018
P. 22

March 2018                                                                          March 2018

                                OBITUARIES                                                 MILBORNE MOVIES

                when  people  can  appear  on  TV  talking  about  “their  passion  for    March  2nd  Milborne  Movies  is  showing
                quinoa”, I mean passion. He was probably the only man I know who           'Victoria   and   Abdul".   This   is   the
        could  accurately  rig  a  man’o’war  of  Nelson’s  fleet.  I  don’t  think  I  am   extraordinary  (mostly)  true  story  of  an
        exaggerating when I call him a world-class expert. His library of books on the     unexpected friendship in the later years of
        subject is full of his own corrections. Nelson, and the Royal Navy during Nelson’s   Queen  Victoria's  (Academy  Award  winner
        time, was a love which remained with him to the end.                               Judi  Dench)  remarkable  rule.  When  Abdul
                                                                                           Karim (Ali Fazal), a young clerk, travels from
        And how he was good at woodworking!. When we were children, in Norway,
        he single-handedly designed, then built a sailing boat.  Every single aspect of    India to participate in the Queen's Golden
        this he did himself. Fascinated, as a four year old, I watched him steam planks    Jubilee,  he  is  surprised  to  find  favour  with
        of  wood  to  get  the  precise  curvature  he  needed.  And  I  watched  him  sand,   the Queen herself. As the Queen questions
        caulk and varnish this entirely wooden boat until it almost glowed. Nor did we     the  constrictions  of  her  long-held  position,
        just sail in the fjord, we took it out to sea. He sold the boat when we left Norway,   the  two  forge  an  unlikely  and  devoted
        but for the rest of his active life he was a much appreciated sailing companion.   alliance with a loyalty to one another that
                                                                                           her household and inner circle all attempt
        He built us wooden chests, even if my brother had to wait a few decades for his    to  destroy.  As  the  friendship  deepens,  the
        to be finished. We should be honest that he wasn’t always the best at finishing    Queen  begins  to  see  a  changing  world
        a project. If anyone wants an C18  horse drawn sleigh, which we witnessed him      through new eyes.
        buy as a “barn find” from a Danish farmer 45 years ago, and the renovation of
                                                                                           "This film is a complete delight. I went along
        which  he  never  quite  completed,  please  see  my  brother  Marki  and  myself
        afterwards.                                                                        without great expectations.... a worthy film I thought I should go and see to write
                                                                                           a worthy review about. But I was entranced from beginning to end. It's probably
        He made model ships and wooden whales for the bathtub for us as children,          best described as a comedy drama... always a difficult trick for a movie-maker to
        and then in turn for our children.                                                 pull  off.  But  here in  the  competent  hands  of  director  Stephen  Frears  ("Florence
                                                                                           Foster Jenkins") the comedy is both very, VERY funny, with the drama also being
        I have a walking stick collection as I need to use a stick. It was only after he’d
        made me a really lovely stick, that I found out that he’d secretly measured my     extremely  moving.  And  crucially  the  transition  between  the  two  never  feels
        other sticks to get the length right. When I told him that Kingsley kept stealing it,
        he made another in the right size for him. And I was deeply moved to find, not     Above all, this is an acting tour de force for Dame Judi, reprising her role as the
        only  the  steam-engined  model  ship  he’d  been  building  for  Kingsley,  but   elderly queen from "Mrs Brown" which (shockingly!) is now 20 years old. I know its
        another two walking sticks in his size.                                            early in the season to be placing bets, before having seen any of the other major
                                                                                           contenders,  but  Dench's  "insanity"  speech  screams  "Oscar  reel"  to  me.  Her
        Visual arts were another passion. I am not best qualified to talk about this as    performance is masterly from beginning to end.
        even my stick men are embarrassingly bad, as my brother delights in telling me,
        but not only has this talent and passion been passed on to Marki, Marki’s own      Rather overshadowed by Dench is the relative newcomer to western cinema Ali
        son  Daniel  has  the  same  skills  and  interest  in  the                        Fazal  (he  had  a  role  in  the  "Furious  7"  film).  But  his  performance  is  almost  as
        subject, something that I know gave our father great                               impressive, bringing the warmth and compassion to the supporting role that is so
        joy. And Natalie has certainly got his eyes, if not quite                          sorely needed if the overall balance of the film is to be maintained.
        his eye for art yet.
                                                                                           Another star of the show is the Scottish countryside, ravishingly photographed by
        He loved painting and drawing and the house is also                                Danny  Cohen  ("Florence  Foster  Jenkins",  "Room")  with  this  film  probably  doing
        full  of  art  books.  As  a  child,  I  traipsed  around  art                     more for the Scottish Tourist Board than any paid for advertising could ever do!
        exhibitions beside him, never quite sharing his intensity,
        until  I  took  him  to  the  Pont  exhibition  at  the  Cartoon                   Overall this is a true delight of a film, perfectly balanced, brilliantly acted." [Bob-
        Museum, and the last big Hogarth Exhibition. We both                               the-movie-man]

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