Page 52 - br-june-2022
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June 2022                             June 2022

 If you haven’t yet  ventured  into  Wild  Woodbury,  why  don’t  you  join one  of  the
 organised walks over the Jubilee weekend.

 No Mow May
 You  may  have  heard  of  No  Mow  May.  As  the
 name  suggests  the  idea  is  to  leave  your  lawn
 unmown  for  the  month.  This  is  to  allow  flowers
 such as daisy, speedwell and clover to flower and
 provide  nectar for  bees  and  other  insects. If  you
 took  part,  great  and  we  hope  you  enjoyed  the
 rest  from  mowing,  the colours of  the flowers  and
 the buzz of the insects. If you didn’t, why not give
 yourself a rest and try No Mow June! Even better,
 how  about  forming  part  of  your  lawn  as  a
 wildflower  meadow.  Just  cut  it  back  in  the
 autumn  and  otherwise  leave  it  be;  over  time  a
 range  of  flowers  will  appear.  Or,  you  can  sow
 some seed Hay or Yellow  Rattle seed  (it will help
 to  suppress  the  grass  and  allow  wild  flowers  to
 more easily flourish), other wild flowers such as Ox
 Eye  Daisy  and  supplement  the  areas  with  some
 early spring plants such as primrose, cowslip and daffodil.
           Spirit                             I hear you whisper in my ear.

                                              You say the words I need to hear,
 Wildlife Friendly Gardens   Why does it feel that you are near?    And a smile still flits across your eyes.
 Don’t forget that all our wildlife friends – birds, butterflies, birds and other insects,   I live in hope, that you’ll appear,   Your spirit lives. It never dies.
 and  hedgehogs  and  other  mammals  all  need  water.  So,  please  put  out  some
 water – a dish at ground level is good for hedgehogs while something out of the   From round a bend, or down a stair.
 way of cats for birds. Even better, create a pond – ponds are a haven for all sorts   I can’t believe you are not there.
 of wildlife from frogs and newts to damsel and dragon flies. You’ll be amazed at   Is that your shadow on the wall?
 how  quickly  wildlife  searches  out  and  establishes  in  a  new  pond.  Helpful   I cannot think, from day to day,   Is that your foot step in the hall?
 suggestions  in  creating  and  looking  after  a  pond  can  be  found  on  the  Dorset   You’ll ever be that far away,
 Wildlife Trust website.                      Are you still moving in this place?
           And a smile still flits across your eyes.
                                              With laughter lines upon your face,
 Contact Us   Your spirit lives. It never dies.   I’m sure you are in large amounts.

 If you  would  like to know more  about  the  work  of  the  Wildlife  and  Environment      Your voice is heard. Your opinion
 Group or to be included on our mailing list, please contact:     Is that your knock upon the door?   counts,
 Tony Bates at / 01929 471563 or   I’ve heard it once or twice before.   And a smile still flits across your eyes.

 Mike Gee at / 0775 988 4942.   Or is it just inside my head?   Your spirit lives. It never dies.
           A floorboard creaks beneath a tread.                 Paul J Openshaw

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