Page 50 - br-june-2022
P. 50

June 2022                             June 2022

 presenting their findings to me at a
 later  session.  I  am  also  in  the
 process  of  working  with  Bere  Regis
 Primary  School  to  create  some
 artwork  for  an  informative  trail  to   Cold War Bere Regis
 follow  at  Wild  Woodbury.  We  are   Whilst  the  so-called  "Cold  War"  lasted  from  about  1946
 h o p i n g    t o    d i s p e l    s o m e   until 1989, there was very little concrete evidence at our
 misconceptions  about  ‘weeds’,  to   very peaceful part of the world. There was just one very concrete example of the
 show  people  that  they  are   mood  of  the  times.  On  Woodbury  Hill  there  was  a  Royal  Observer  Corps
 incredible  for  wildlife  and  that  we   underground bunker on the flat summit of this hill. There were extensive views in all
 should  be  viewing  them  as   directions, and it was said that it was built on the same spot that the ROC used
 important  pieces  in  the  complex   during WW2 to report on German bomber formations making their way to targets
 ecological jigsaw.    such as Sherborne, Yeovil, Bristol, from their bases in Northern France. The bunker
 There  will  be  plenty  more   was  built  in  the  1950s  but  by  the  1970s  its  role  had  been  replaced  by  more
 happening over the coming months at Wild Woodbury. As ever, if you wish to get   advance  forms  of  observation.  The  derelict  bunker  was  a  popular  place  for  us
 in touch, please do drop me a message at the below address!   boys to explore after cycling there on our bicycles. The photograph is of a similar
       bunker in a nearby parish that was still intact in the 1980s.
 Seb Haggett, Wilder Dorset Community Ranger,                     The   purpose   of   the
                                                         bunker   was   to   give
                                                         triangulation  of  nuclear
                                                         blasts  in  the  UK,  by  the
                                                         use   of   a   vertically-
                                                         extending  mast  which
 Dorset Property Care                                    d e t e c t o r    o f
 Allan Slater                                            photographic film, which
 Based in Briantspuddle                                  after  the  attack  was  to
    Services                                            be  retracted  and  the
    Building maintenance                                photographic-paper's
    General joinery                                     position   telephoned
                                                         back  to  HQ,  so  that  the
    Garden maintenance                                  positions   could   be
          Main room in underground bunker
    Garden landscaping                                determined.
    Kitchens   The 1962 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty was passed unanimously to ban above-
    Man and digger hire   ground nuclear testing because by then it had been shown that it was affecting
       the gender ratio of births in all countries. By then the ratio of boy births had risen
    Waste carrier licence
       from  the  normal  52%  to  about  60%,  which  also  shows  in  the  Bere  Regis  Parish
 07973 158092
                                                    John Pitfield, Projects Secretary

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