Page 25 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
P. 25

June  2024                            June 2024

        We have had elections locally in Dorset, and I want
        to extend my thanks to all the candidates who stood
        to  represent  their  local  communities.  It  is  not  easy
        putting  oneself  forward for  election,  but  it  is  vital  for
        our  communities  that  we  have  people  willing  to  do
        so.   The   results   were   disappointing   for   the
        Conservatives,  and  I  am  always  sorry  to  see  hard-
        working dedicated local councillors lose their seats. In
        Mid Dorset we still have one Conservative councillor
        in  West  Purbeck,  and  I’m  really  pleased  that  David
        Sidwick   returned   as   the   Police   and   Crime
        Commissioner for Dorset.
        When I first moved to Dorset more than 20 years ago, I regularly heard distant
        rumblings in the evenings. Were these thunderstorms that didn’t quite reach my
        village? No – this was the sound of our armed forces training across the Dorset
        countryside. I spent my teenage years in a military town, but the special forces
        tend to be quieter! I have never served myself (though I enjoyed CCF at school)
        and  I  am  always  in  admiration  of  -  and  incredibly  thankful  to  -  those  who
        dedicate their lives in protection of our country.

                                                   The Prime Minister has recently
                                                   announced     the   biggest
                                                   strengthening   of   the   UK’s
                                                   national   defence    in   a
                                                   generation, with a fully funded
                                                   plan  to  grow  the  defence
                                                   budget  to  2.5%  of  GDP  by
                                                   2030.  Autocratic  states  like
                                                   Russia,  Iran  and  China  are
                                                   i nc re asi n gl y   tr yi n g   to
                                                   undermine  democracy,  and
                                                   we  need  to  be  ready.  The
        investment will focus on key high-tech capabilities, including air defence missiles
        and  anti-armour  munitions,  in  addition  to  continued  investment  in  artillery
        This will support new high-quality jobs and economic growth across all of the UK –
        and  I  know  that  Dorset  will  be  part  of  that.  My  good  friend  the  Defence
        Procurement Minister has confirmed that Lulworth are doing night trials as part of
        this work – so if you hear night-time rumblings, you can be sure that our armed
        forces locally are at the cutting edge of our technological innovation.
        We  will  also  continue  to  support  Ukraine,  and  have  recently  announced  our
        largest  ever  package  of  munitions  and  equipment  for  them.  This  includes  400

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