Page 18 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
P. 18

June  2024                                                                          June 2024

                                              FUNERAL TRIBUTES                                     RECIPE OF THE MONTH

                                                                                                        Thanks to our WI members for sharing their favourites
                         of  the  Royal  Libyan  Navy.  It  was  anticipated  that  this  role
                         would  see  the  family  move  to  Libya  for  a  couple  of  years
                         and  both  of  us  boys  were  tremendously  excited  in               Treacle Scones
                         anticipation of the the opportunity to start digging up tanks,
                         aircraft and other miscellaneous militaria from the desert!            I know this sounds weird but try it and I bet you will love it.
         Sadly though, the untimely arrival of a revolution in Libya courtesy of a certain
         Colonel Gaddafi saw these plans thrown into chaos and ironically disappear             Ingredients
         like a mirage in the desert that both of us boys had been so eager to explore!
                                                                                                    8oz self-raising flour
         Father,  meanwhile  was  appointed  to  HMS  SCARBOROUGH,  a  ship  of  the
         Dartmouth  Training  Squadron,  whose  principle  role  was  to  teach  the  trainee       20z butter
         naval  officers in  all  aspects  of naval life  prior to them  entering the  fleet.  We      1oz caster sugar
         can both remember that Father organised for us to both go to sea with him in
         Scarborough for a couple of days. We had a similar experience later when he                ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
         was appointed to HMS BRISTOL….This was ‘Take Your Kids to Work Day ’on a                    2 tablespoons black treacle
         whole  different  leveI  and  one  that  the  present  Lords  of  the  Admiralty  might   
         disagree with today!                                                                       pinch of salt
         1972 saw father  promoted  and  appointed  as  the  Deputy  Engineer  Officer in           milk to mix ( approx ¼ pint)
         HMS BRISTOL, a brand new, first of class, guided missile destroyer. It was whilst in
         this  appointment  that  he  received  his  second  Fleet  Commendation  for  his
         actions during a major fire and near catastrophic flood. His actions on that day       Method
         were deemed instrumental in saving the ship from being lost. He never spoke in
         much detail about this event, but we know from the little he did tell us that the      1. Set the oven 425f / mark 7 / 200c
         hours spent up to his neck in near total darkness and freezing cold water, whilst        and lightly grease a baking tray
         helping  direct  his  team  to  fight  a  major  fire  deep  within  the  hull  of  the  ship,   2. Sift the flour and salt into a bowl and
         affected him deeply.                                                                     rub in the butter.
         At  this  point  and  no  doubt  to  mothers  immense  pleasure,  Father  was          3. Mix in the sugar and cinnamon
         appointed  to  a  teaching  role  at  the  Manadon  Naval  Engineering  College,
         Plymouth. Apart from the obvious benefits of being away from burning / sinking         4. Add the treacle and enough milk to make a soft dough.
         ships,  this  appointment  brought  about  several  further  benefits  including  the   5. Turn onto a floured surface and knead gently
         opportunity for him to build a wooden dinghy whilst  using it as an excuse to
         demonstrate building techniques to his engineering students!                           6. Roll out to ½ -1inch thick and cut with a pastry cutter

         In  1976,  due,  in  no  small  part,  to  Fathers  huge  professional  knowledge      7. Place on the baking sheet, brush with a little milk and bake for 10-15
         regarding  all  things  steam  powered,  he  was  appointed  to  be  the  Senior         minutes
         Engineer  Officer  at  the  Fleet  Boiler  Inspection  Unit  based  at  Portsmouth.  This   8. Cool  in  a  wire  rack  and  enjoy  with  jam  and  a  gurt  big  dollop  of
         was a role that suited him as it allowed him to visit ships based all around the         cream, yum yum.
         fleet and inspect all sorts of steam based naval machinery.

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