Page 13 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
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June  2024                            June 2024

 village.  Following our survey, we established a community speed-watch scheme   BERE HEATH METHODIST
 which has been active over the last 14 months.
 Following  consultation  with  Dorset  Council  we  have  been  encouraged  to   CHAPEL
 proceed with a formal application for a 20mph speed limit.  The first step in this
 process  is  to  commission  a  traffic  survey  which  will  identify  current  speeds  and   Important News from Bere Heath Methodist
 vehicle movements through the village.  This information will need to be supplied   Chapel.
 to  Dorset  Council  as  part  of  our  application.    The  Parish  Council  approved  the
 funding for the survey and are intending to make the application before the end   Bere Heath Chapel needs the Communities support.
 of July.   Bere  Heath  Chapel  has been  part  of the community  for
 As part of my induction process for becoming Chair, I am intending to meet with   more  than  100  years.  We  have  served  Bere  Heath  as  a  community  gathering
 representatives of local groups and organisations to understand better what they   space, a place of worship in the heart of the community. It is a place we have
 do and what opportunities and challenges they face.  This will give me greater   celebrated  with  you,  your  families  Births,  Marriages  and  where  we  gathered  to
 insight  and  understanding  of  how  all  those  who  volunteer  and  contribute  to   fondly  remember  those  we  have  lost.  Over  the  years  we  have  held  lunches,
 village life in the Parish can work together for the benefit of all residents.   Jubilee  Afternoon  Teas,  Coffee  mornings,  Harvest  Auctions,  Kids  and  Brunch
        (parent and toddler group), retreat days, evenings with speakers and of course
 If anybody would like to contact me my details are below.   many services of worship.
 David Neudegg,   Tel: 07894 478709    As  with  many  community  groups,  The  Chapel  community,  has  recently  gone
        through a difficult time, exacerbated by Covid, but it is still felt today because of
        rising costs, and sadly fewer people attending. We recognise that the Bere Heath
 BRIANTSPUDDLE POST   Community  has  changed  significantly  over  the  past  years,  and  we  wanted  to
        reach out to you now, to share with you that Bere Heath Chapel is now on the
 OFFICE AND VILLAGE SHOP   verge of closure. However, with support from the local community it could again
        be  sustainable  for  the  future,  so  that  it  can  continue  to  be  a  central  meeting
        place of the community.
 Just  a  reminder  about  the  2025  calendar.  The
 theme will be ‘Animals and Pets of the Parish’. The   We  warmly  invite  you  to  a  Community  Meeting,  at  the  Bere  Heath  Methodist
 entries  should  be  in  the  form  of  a  photograph,   Chapel on Saturday 13  July at 2pm. We will share with you some of the history of
 drawing or painting and we would welcome entries   the Chapel, how we have reached this point, and how you may be able to get
 from  all  ages  so  please  encourage  your  children/grandchildren  to  enter!    The   involved to save the Chapel for the future. We also would like to hear from you,
 submissions should be in a landscape format, and it would be lovely if they also   we believe its presence is about serving the community, so what might that look
 reflected one of the four seasons, but this is not essential.   like for the community today? Come and share your views.
        We have a number of Services and Events planned in the coming months, do
 Digital copies of photographs would be preferred but printed copies would also
 be  acceptable.    Any  pieces  that  need  to  be  copied  to  make  high  resolution   come and see us:
 digital files for printing will be returned to you afterwards.     Sunday 2  June.    Monthly Service at 2pm led by Mr Tony Boyden.
 All  entries  should  be  submitted  by  1   August  2024.  If  we  receive  more  than  are   Saturday 22  June Craft and Kids 2.30 pm – 3.45 pm.
 needed for the calendar then we will ask our customers to vote for their favourite
 picture.   An afternoon for Children and Parents which includes crafts, food, and lots more.
 To  register  your  entry,  or  if  you  have  any  queries,  please  contact  the  shop  on   Sunday 7  July    Monthly service at 2pm led by our Minister Rev John Yarrien.
 01929 472000 or e-mail   We hope that you have a good June and wish you every blessing.
                                                   Rev John Yarrien – Bere Heath Minister
 Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:
                                   Peter Jenner – Children & Families Outreach Lay Worker

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