Page 14 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
P. 14

June  2024                                                                          June 2024
                                                                                            BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE


                                                                                           AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH


                                                                                            The Parish Council held its Annual Meeting on 15 May slightly later than usual due
                                                                                            to the May Council elections.
                                                                                            At the meeting Sue Jones stood down as Chair of the Council after many years of
                                                                                            dedicated service to the Parish.  Sue kindly nominated me to stand as Chair and I
                                                                                            am very honoured to be able to take on the role.  Sue will stay on as Vice-Chair so
                                                                                            we are very lucky not to be losing her wealth of local knowledge and experience.
                                                                                            Two other Parish Councillors stood down due to other commitments so we were
                                                                                            able to thank Lizzie Guinn and Emily Hall for their service and contributions.
                                                                                            Sue Jone also paid tribute to Peter  Wharf who until the Dorset Council elections
                                                                                            had been our local Councillor for 20 years.  Sue was keen to emphasise that Peter
                                                                                            had been an ever present friend and support to the Parish and represented the
                                                                                            views  of  the  Parish  on  many  occasions  at  County  Hall.    Most  recently,  his
                                                                                            intervention  to  get  the  Battle  Farm  application  considered  by  the  Planning
                                                                                            Committee was instrumental in supporting the views of the majority of residents.
                                                                                            The  Parish  Council  still  has  four  current  vacancies  so  if  anyone  is  interested  in
                                                                                            j oi ni n g   th e    pl e ase    l e t   ou r    c l e rk   kn ow   by   e mai li n g
                                                                                            The main item on the agenda this month was to consider an application to Dorset
                                                                                            Council  to  introduce  a  20mph  speed  limit  in  Briantspuddle.    Many  residents  will
                                                                                            recall  that  the  Council  undertook  a  survey  last  year  to  find  out  what  people
                                                                                            thought  about traffic  throughout  the  parish.   86% of residents responding  to the
                                                                                            survey  wished  to  see  a  general  reduction  in  the  speed  of  vehicles  through  the

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