Page 19 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
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June  2024                            June 2024

 POETRY CORNER                               FUNERAL TRIBUTES

 Very  sadly,  our  resident  poet,  Paul  Openshaw,  has  now  moved  away  from  the   Fathers  last  appointment,  which  he  commenced  in  1980,
 village, so we will no longer be receiving his wonderful poems.  This poetry corner   saw  him  return  to  the  Royal  Marines  at    Poole  as  the
 will, therefore, take a break for a while  -  unless, of course, there are any other   Commanding  Officer  of  the  RN  Company.  We  are  sure
 budding Betjemans or Wordsworths out there who would like to contribute!   mother  saw  this  as  a  safe  job  prior  to  his  impending
 I  would  personally  like  to  thank  Paul  for  his  generous  participation  in  this   retirement from the service.
 magazine,  over  many  years.    He  has  brought  a  lot  of  joy,  deep  thoughts  and   Of  course  she  had  not  bet  on  the  Argentinians  deciding  to  invade  the
 highly amusing prose to our readers, for which we are very grateful indeed.   Falklands  in  April  1982  with  the  inevitable  deployment  of  many  Poole  based

 Alison  -  Editor   Royal Marines.
        However,  the  chances  of  father  being  deployed  ‘Down  South’,  seemed
        extremely slim, until that is, father was informed by the naval appointer that, if
        the  UK  was  to  lose  an  aircraft  carrier,  he  was  likely  to  be  appointed  as  the
 MILBORNE MOVIES         Marine  Engineer  Officer  of  HMS  BULWARK,  the  last  remaining  carrier.    I
        remember  father  being  quite  enthusiastic  about  the  whole  matter……
        However, I will leave it to you to can imagine mothers reaction!   Thankfully, for
 The Holdovers   all concerned this scenario never came to pass!
 Friday 21st June 2024 at 7.30pm
        1982 was also significant to Father in one other way. It was in this year that he
 Village  Hall,  The  Causeway,  Milborne  St   was gazetted as having being awarded the MBE.  He received this award for
 Andrew DT11 0JX   his  work in adapting  landing craft  that had  been  designed  for  action in  the
        oppressive heat of the Middle East to work in the bitter cold of the Artic (and
 Doors and bar open 7.00pm   incidentally the Falklands!). It was a proud moment for the family to attend the
 Tickets cost £6, which includes a drink or an   Palace, and watch Father receive his award from the Queen.
 ice-cream   In 1984 and after 38 years active service, Father retired from the navy and the
        service he loved.

 Nobody   likes   teacher   Paul   Hunham   However, Father wanted to continue his connection with engineering and the
 (Giamatti)  --  not  his  students,  not  his  fellow   sea.    Upon  his  retirement  he  moved  into  the  commercial  world  and  this
 faculty, not the headmaster, who all find his pomposity and rigidity exasperating.   provided  an  opportunity  to  achieve  both.  His  business,  Seaway  Marine,  saw
 With no family and nowhere to go over Christmas holiday in 1970, Paul remains at   him  engaging  with  new  commercial  partners  and  re-engaging  with  his
 school to supervise students unable to journey home. After a few days, only one   previous naval partners.
 student holdover remains -- a trouble-making 18-year-old named Angus, a good
 student whose bad behavior always threatens to get him expelled. Joining Paul   This period in his life also allowed him to become more involved in several of his
 and  Angus  is  head  cook  Mary  (Randolph)-an  African  American  woman  who   other  interests.  He  was  an  active  member  of  both  the  village  Parish  Council
 caters to sons of privilege and whose own son was recently lost in Vietnam. These   undertaking roles of Treasurer and Chairman at different times as well as being
 three very different shipwrecked people form an unlikely Christmas family sharing   an  active  member of the  local  Conservative  party.   He  was  also joined  and
 comic  misadventures  during  two  very  snowy  weeks  in  New  England.  The  real   subsequently became President of the  Purbeck Rotary Club.
 journey is how they help one another understand that they are not beholden to
 their past-they can choose their own futures.   One  of  the  reasons  we  are  holding  this  celebration  of  Fathers  life  in  church
        today  is  due  to  Fathers  deep  Christian  faith.  This  faith  was  reflected  in  his
 Described as a well acted feel good comedy drama.   connections  to  this  church  and  in  particular  the  Parochial  Church  Council

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