Page 11 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
P. 11

June  2024                            June 2024


 Sunday 23  June 10.00 till 4.00pm
 Ticket price £7 per person. Children under 10 free
 Plans  are  well  underway  for  Open  Gardens  2024.  Hedges  are  being  cut,  grass
 mowed and Rose beds weeded.

 We   have   17   gardens
 being  opened,  a  classic
 car  display  and  an  Art
 exhibition.   The   church
 have   also   agreed   to
 combine   their   flower
 festival   (Friday   21    to
 Sunday  23 )  and  so  there
 is  plenty  for  parishioners
 and villagers alike.
 In  the  village  hall  we  will
 be serving refreshments all
 And to round the day off a
 Thank you supper in the village hall for all those who have taken part.
 The  day  is  a  huge  undertaking  and  could  not  happen  without  an  army  of
 volunteers – opening gardens, marshalling car parks and serving lunches.
 If  you’re  not  yet  involved  and  feeling  a  touch  of  FOMO  (Fear  Of  Missing  Out)
 please get in touch we will have something you can do.
 I  do  have  a  couple  of  requests.  Firstly  –  if  you’re  a  baker  and  wouldn’t  mind
 making a cake or some scones I have it on good authority home made cakes go
 down a treat! Secondly if you park your car in The Ring or on the road through the
 village  please  could  you  park  in  the  Village  Hall  Car  Park  to  avoid  any  risk  of
 damage with lots of visitors in the village and enhance the beauty of our villages.
 All proceeds raised on the day are for the Village Hall.
 Looking forward to seeing you all there.
 Open Gardens Working Group  -  Stuart 07818 078191

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