Page 52 - br-june-2021
P. 52

June 2021


          Over the Hill        June 2021

          As  I  write  this,  spring is at  last
          with  us.  It  is  the 10 th  of  May
          and we haven’t had a frost for
          three days and  last  week  on
          the 7 th  of  May  I  heard  the
          cuckoo  for  the  first  time,
          calling  from  the  Throop
          direction  You  probably  all
          know the old saying:-
          The cuckoo comes in April
          It sings its song in May,
          In  the  middle  of  June  it
          changes its tune and
          In July it flies away and in August go it must.
          As well as the cuckoo numerous birds are singing and the bird feeders are being
          emptied far faster than before, which suggests that there are many more mouths
          to feed.
          Also there are more wild flowers in bloom and we have gone from yellow to blue
          from  the  primroses, celandines,  daffodils and  dandelion to  a massive show  of
          blue,  from  the bluebells and  violets.  Snow  drops,  snow  flakes together  with  the
          kingcups at the riverside are also over for this year. Trees are also showing leaves
          beginning to open, particularly birch and oak but not the ash yet.
          This of course tells us we are to have a dry summer:-

                                       The ash before the oak we will surely get a soak
                                       The oak before the ash we will only get a splash.      .
          As a youngster I would have been out picking bluebells and looking for the very
          rare white bells growing amongst them to take home for my mother and grand
          mother.  At  that  time,  just after the second  ,world  war,  I  lived  with my
          grandmother,  mother  and  grandfather  in the  village of  Buriton,  just  north of  the
          South Downs in Hampshire. Where the soils were very chalky and ideal for all sorts
          of wild flowers, including primroses, bluebells and numerous varieties of orchids.
          We  as a group of  young boys spent  hours  looking  for  all sorts  of  flowers  and  in
          season blackberries,  wild  strawberries,  hazelnuts,  chestnuts  and  of  course

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