Page 37 - br-june-2021
P. 37

June 2021
       and where. At the time of writing the cuckoos have been heard was in Wareham
       and Moreton Forests. But, perhaps you know of others closer by.


       There are six reptiles native to England – grass snake, adder, smooth snake, slow
       worm (which isn’t a snake but a legless lizard), common lizard and sand lizard. All
       are to be found in Dorset. Slow worms are sometimes seen in gardens around the
       village along  with  the occasional grass  snake.  Do let  us know  if  you have seen
       any of these reptiles either in your garden or elsewhere in the Parish.

       Wildlife Friendly Gardens

       Don’t forget that all our wildlife friends – birds, butterflies, birds and other insects,
       and  hedgehogs and  other mammals  all need  water. So,  please put  out some
       water – a dish at ground level is good for hedgehogs while something out of the
       way of cats for birds. Even better, create a pond – ponds are a haven for all sorts
       of wildlife from frogs and newts to damsel and dragon flies. You’ll be amazed at
       how  quickly  wildlife  searches out and  establishes in  a new  pond.  Helpful
       suggestions in creating and  looking  after  a pond  can be found  on the  Dorset
       Wildlife Trust website.

       Souls Moor Ponies and their Conservation Work
       By  the time  you read  this the
       ponies  should  be  back on  Souls
       Moor –  do say  “hello” to them
       when  you pass, but please  do
       not feed them, approach them
       and keep dogs on a lead.  They
       are there to continue munching
       through the long rank  grasses
       that  have built  up while  the
       area remained ungrazed. This is
       all in  the  interests  of  good
       nature  conservation.  Indeed,
       we have   already  seen more
       wildflowers  appearing.  With
       time the long vegetation will
       reduce  further  and  we  hope to
       see  a more interesting and  varied  array  of  plants and  wildflowers.  So far,  the
       plentiful flowers include bright yellow marsh marigolds, along with pink campion,
       meadow   buttercup,  sorrel,  ragged  robin,  comfrey,  sorrel,  orchid  and  cuckoo

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