Page 82 - br-june-2020
P. 82

June 2020                                                                           June 2020

        BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE                                                                                  OBITUARIES

                                                                                                     Geoffrey's  hobbies  were  photography,  rifle  shooting,  and  making
                                                                                                     steam engines.
                                                                                             He was the church treasurer for many years, then the Deanery treasurer when
       COUNCIL                                                                               the parish was part of the Milton and Blandford Deanery. He dealt with Gift
                                                                                             Aid,  the  envelope  scheme,  the  weekly  pew  sheet,  and  leaflets  for  special
        The  Parish  Council  meeting  on
        13th May was held remotely  in                                                       He was in the choir for more than fifty years and, with the help of his choir
        order   to   comply    with                                                          friends, managed to keep reading the Gospel  until Alzheimer's finally made it
                                                                                             too confusing.
        Government  social  distancing
        guidance.   Until   restrictions                                                     When covid 19 meant he could no longer join activities at his care home, he
        around  movement  and  public                                                        was photographed on  the occasion of  a special party for the birthdays of
        gatherings  are  lifted,  the  Parish                                                the Queen, Joan and another resident, dancing  alone with his Zimmer frame.
        Council  will  be  holding  all                                                      Ten days later he died. We shall all miss him so much. Thank you to all who
        meetings  remotely  and  only                                                        helped him , and we hope to see you all at a memorial service to him after
        handing urgent business.                                                             lockdown has ended.
        Councillors   discussed   issues
        relating to highways and Dorset Councillor Peter Wharf agreed to find out when it
        might be possible to hold a Ward Walk to discuss the Councils concerns with an       ERNEST CHARLES BRADSHAW 1923-2020
        officer. Some work has recently been undertaken to clear the blocked drains at
        Shop Hill.  The installation of a new pipe is necessary and a budget is being sought   Resident of Bere Regis from November 2009 - April 2020
        from Dorset Council to complete the work by Highways.   It is hoped that regular     My  Uncle  Ernie  was  a  lucky  man.    He  had  a  wonderful  life  as  a  carefree
        maintenance going forwards will prevent a reoccurrence of the situation and the      bachelor, always singing and smiling and very popular with his friends and the
        Parish Council will continue to monitor this.                                        ladies.    He  lived  healthily  until  the  age  of  96,  and  died  at  home  in  Egdon
        The Briantspuddle Covid-19 community support group continues to be very active       Close, at a time when his long held wish could be granted that he should go
        and  the  Parish  Council  is  very  grateful  for  the  continued  efforts  of  coordinators   to  the  crematorium  with  no  fuss,  no  service,  no  flowers  and  no  weeping,
        and  volunteers.    A  separate  article  will  appear  in  the  magazine  to  update   wailing mourners!
        Parishioners about the work and efforts of the Group.                                Ernie  was  born,  the  youngest  of  6  children,  into  great  poverty  in  a

        A tree has been felled in Affpuddle on private land without the proper consent       condemned  property  in  the  city  of  Birmingham  in  1923.    Because  of  an
        necessary  from  Dorset  Council.  It  is  understood  that  the  landowner  may  have   industrial  accident  his  father  was  unable  to  work  and  the  family  had  to  go
        been  wrongly  advised  by  the  team  responsible  and  Dorset  Council.  The  Parish   into the workhouse.
        Council would like to remind all landowners that they need permission to carry out    Their  friends  in  the  Methodist  church  rallied  round,
        work on trees located in the Conservation Area.
                                                                                             found  them  some  suitable  accommodation  and
        Members of the public will be able to join the Parish Council meetings which will    supported the whole family until they could get back
        continue to be held via Zoom or  Teams.   There will be time set aside for public    on their feet.  Despite an unpromising start, Ernie was
                                                                                             a clever boy who did well at school and could have
        participation at the beginning of the meeting.  This will last for a maximum of 30
                                                                                             gone  to  King  Edwards  Grammar  School.  One  of  his
        minutes, with each parishioner having a maximum of 3 minutes to speak.  Anyone
                                                                                             masters  said  that  “Bradshaw  has  far  too  high  an
                                                                                             opinion of his own accomplishments!” but there was
       Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:                           no money for a uniform.

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