Page 78 - br-june-2020
P. 78

June 2020                                                                           June 2020

                                                                                           problems across the country, and MPs are not exempt. It is not an ideal situation
       BERE REGIS SWIMMING CLUB  -  THE ORCAS                                              when a Minister cannot hear a question, or a back-bench MP does not get the
                                                                                           chance to participate due to technical problems. We have been assured that if
                                                                                           there are issues when voting that measures have been put in place to ensure that
        It all came from my friendship with two of
        the teachers at Bere Regis Primary School.                                         every MP who wants to vote can do so.
        Bryan  Clark  had  already  taken  and                                             As always, my job as an MP is in two parts – that of a legislator in Parliament, and
        passed  his  ASA  swimming  teachers                                               my role more locally.  I have continued to support local businesses, charities and
        certificate.  Jane  Phillips  was  planning  to                                    individuals.  I  have  spoken  to  hundreds  of  people,  giving  support  and  finding
        take  hers  and  would  I  be  interested  in                                      answers to their questions wherever possible.  I have been sending out updates
        joining the course? This I did and the rest                                        with links to useful reources and organisations  – to find out more please see my
        as they say was history.                                                           website.
        It was in that glorious summer of 1976 and                                         My constituency office is still closed, but my staff and I are providing support and
        having  passed  my  swimming  teacher’s                                            assistance  to  many  different  people.  Due  to  the  situation,  it  may  take  a  little
        course, I looked around and thought it should not stop there. I had always been    longer  than  normal  to  respond  to  queries,  but  please  do  keep  in  touch  if  you
        passionate about swimming and had been playing water polo for Bridport for a       need    help   or   support.   You   can    contact    me    via   email
        number of years.                                                           or  call  my  office  on  01202  624216.  I  send
                                                                                           out  a  regular  email  update  –  you  can  sign  up  on  my  website
        The school had a small teaching pool which had been built in the 1960s and was
                                                                                   where  you  can  also  find  links  to  the  latest
        regularly used during the summer months to teach the children to swim. My first
                                                                                           coronavirus advice.
        thought was, would there be enough interest in the village to start a swimming
        club? I started talking to friends and got a positive response.
        We then called a meeting to discuss starting the club. Of course there were no
        Facebook  or  emails  then  but  a  few  posters  around  the  village  plus  the  jungle
        drums  did  the  trick  and  we  had  a  good  number  turn  up  for  the  meeting.  A
        committee was formed and I became its first chairman remaining in post for 43
        years!  You  would  have  thought  that  I  would  have  been  kicked  out  years  ago
        before I ever got towards my sell by date!

        We decided to meet at the school for our first swim on Tuesday 14 . June. It had
        been a hot glorious summer day as it had been all through May and June that
        year but we did wonder who would turn up. As it turned out, we needn’t have
        worried about attendance as 120 people came on that first night. It was a brilliant
        start but a logistical nightmare as Jane, Bryan and I taught the different groups in
                                               waves throughout the evening.                       LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT

                                               We were blessed with fine weather
                                               throughout  that  glorious  summer             Michael Tomlinson MP      
                                               with  both  children  and  adults              holds regular surgeries
                                               flocking  to  our  classes.  We  even         in the constituency.  For     01202 624216
                                               held  a  swimming  gala  in  the  first        details of forthcoming
                                               summer  season.  It  was  all  very           surgeries or to make an    
                                               informal  with  a  Fancy  Dress
                                               competition  thrown  in  for  good              appointment, please          @Michael4MDNP
                                               measure.                                          contact his office.

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