Page 87 - br-june-2020
P. 87

June 2020                             June 2020

 keep moving forward.   There are also many pictures  in the Bible that remind us of   BRIANTSPUDDLE VILLAGE SHOP
 God’s love and care for us in every situation.  We are used to the saying that a
 child is ‘the apple of his or her father’s eye’.  That saying originates in the Bible,
 where several times God says that His people are ‘the apple of His eye’ and that   Your village shop – not just for covid 19!
 He  is  always  watching  over  them  and  caring  for  them.    The  word  ‘apple’  in
 Hebrew really means the ‘pupil’ of the eye, and what surrounds and guards the   As I write this the government are starting to ease the
 pupil is the eyelid.  God is like an eyelid which instinctively protects the tender eye   restrictions on our lives – I wonder whether by the time
 from danger, and by blinking helps to remove dirt or dust.  It keeps sweat out of   you  read  this  that  will  have  continued,  I  for  one
 the eye, it lubricates the eyeball, keeping it healthy, it closes, allowing rest.  This is   certainly hope so. Whilst we are very fortunate to live
 an unusual picture of God’s care for us, but one that can really encourage us in   in  this  beautiful  area  and  I  have  probably  seen  my
 these present days.  God’s love is always so close, so we need never feel lonely,   family  more  via  zoom  this  last  8  weeks  than  I  would
 and  His  care  and  concern  is  constant.    When  we  close  our  eyes  at  night  and   normally  see  them  in  a  year  as  they  live  away,  I  for
 open  them  in  the  morning  we  can  think  of  God  and  praise  Him  for  His  tender   one  have  found  not  being  able  to  give  someone  a
 protection and care for us.   hug or to sit and have a cup of tea or glass of wine
       with a group of friends the most difficult.
 If you are not sure how to praise God use the familiar hymn “Praise my soul, the
 King  of  heaven”  as  a  help  and  a  guide,  the  words  will  be  a  real  source  of   I am immensely proud of the way in which the shop and post office have been
 encouragement  to  you.    If  you  are  of  the  older  generation  you  will  probably   able to meet the needs of our community. With the help of amazing volunteers,
       we have been delivering papers and groceries. We have been able to widen the
 remember  the  words  from  school  days,  if  you  are  younger,  the  words  can  be
       range of produce and stock much more fresh fruit and veg. And the volunteers
 found on the internet!
       who have been ensuring we all adhere to social distancing whilst waiting to go
 “May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you   into  the  shop  and  those  delivering  have  provided  a  much  needed  break  for
 and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”    many in the isolation and boredom.
 Numbers 6:24-26
                                       As  we  start  to  see  life  go  back  to  normal,  I

                                       really  hope  the  shop  continues  to  be  a
 Just a smile                          central part of village life. If you have used it
                                       as  a  customer  or  volunteered  for  the  first
 An  elderly  couple  died  and
                                       time, I really hope you want to continue. We
 were  received  by  St.  Peter
                                       can  obviously  only  stock  a  wider  fresher
 into  heaven.    No  words
                                       range  of  groceries if  they  are  purchased  so
 could   describe   their
                                       please keep coming in and buying not only
 happiness.      A   little
                                       the pint of milk you ran out of but your fresh
 reproachfully  the  husband
 said  to  his  wife:  “If  you        veg  for  the  weekend  and  the  essentials  in
 hadn’t  come  up  with  all           your weekly shop.
 those health foods we could           When this goes to print we will have installed
 have been here years ago”.   contactless  card  payments  in  the  shop  making  it  easier  to  shop  at  weekends
       when the post office is closed.

 A child on his way home from school decided to call in the church and have a   During  the  “lockdown”  I  was  able  to  serve  the  shop  in  a  practical  way  by
 look  round.    When  he  arrived  home  he  told  his  grandmother  he  had  been  in   ensuring social distancing was followed. I have felt completely privileged to get
 God’s house. “Oh”, said Grandma, “and did you see God?”  “No”, replied the   to know people a bit better, meet lots of new people and enjoy being part of an
 little boy, “but I saw His wife scrubbing the floor.”   amazing community.

       Please  help  us  to  continue  to  provide  this  invaluable  resource  in  our  parish  by
 The Rector announced, “After the blessing the bishop will leave and we shall sing,   using the village shop whenever and however you are able.
 ‘Now thank we all our God’.”

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