Page 81 - br-june-2020
P. 81

June 2020                             June 2020

       and this was a great chance to cash in on that fact and make some money in
    OBITUARIES   whatever way you could. Some of the people living on the hill sold refreshments
       and also  made a small charge as Cyril Cheeseman recalls to park bikes in the
       safety of their premises.
 He left school aged 14 and had a succession of jobs until the war
 broke  out  and  he  became  a  highly  skilled  “Fitter  &  Turner”  at  a   Fred McDonald told Susan that there were many oddities at the Fair such as a
 factory  repairing  machinery  for  the  Aircraft  industry.    The  men  worked  five   two headed sheep and a bearded lady. Both Lenard Skinner and Ed House recall
 and  a  half  days,  did  Fire  Watching  at  night,  and  Home  Guard  duties  at   that  one  of  the  Fairs  in  the  1940’s  was  cancelled  due  to  the  rain  fall  and  was
 weekends.  His unit manned the Anti-Aircraft Rocket Launchers, called the “Z   subsequent flooded out.
 Batteries”.    They  fired  64  high  explosive  rockets  at  one  time,  so  it  was  no
 wonder that his hearing was very poor in later life.   Len  Presslee  on  the  left  and  Sam
       Cleall on the right Dick Knight is also in
 After  the  war  he  went  to  “Lend  a  hand  on  the  Land”,  a  scheme  to  get   the image he took over as Shepherd
 people  out  of  the  cities  to  help  Farmers  for  a  couple  of  weeks  with  the   from Mont Cheeseman. John Warren
 harvests.  He enjoyed this so much that he gave up his well paid job in the   sent a photo of some ornaments that
 factory and travelled round the countryside from job to job, repairing tractors   were  said  to  have  been  won  at  the
 and farm machinery, and doing anything that he fancied.  Eventually in 1955   Fair in the presence of Thomas Hardy
 he was working on the Cooling Towers at Tilbury on the Thames when he saw   on  the  shooting
 the Cruise Liners going up and down the River Thames, and fancied seeing   Gallery;  also  Di

 the world.               Phillips  gave  a
                          photo  of  a  very
 He went to the shipping agents in London to try to get a job on board, but
                          impressive  vase
 they told him that he could only have a job if he joined the Merchant Navy.
                          t h a t    w a s
 He asked them if he could join the Merchant Navy, but they told him he had   purchased from Woodbury Hill Fair.
 to  have  a  job  first!!      He  went  back  to  them,  asking  the  same  question  for
 several  weeks  until  they  gave  in  and  found  him  the  lowest  job  they  could,    From the records it would seem that the last fair was in 1951
 which was washing up! After a few weeks of that he showed the managers   and there have not been any other fairs held since on this
 how they could save money by reducing the amount of broken crockery that   location.
 ensued when the ship rolled.  This led to one promotion after another until he
 became a First Class Steward!  He travelled the world and had great stories to   Alison Bennett
 tell of his adventures in foreign lands.
 After 3 years of this he decided to settle down back in Birmingham with his   DIGITAL HOTLINE
 Mother, Sister and 2 brothers, but before he did so, he spent 6 months walking
 round Dorset, Devon and Cornwall, with just a pack on his back and a good
 pair of boots.  He then became a postman and kept on walking!!  He retired   If  there  is  anyone  out  there  who  has  been
 at 65, and spent his time working on his garden and allotments, and helping   abruptly  forced  into  using  new  technology  to
 people he had met as their postman.   keep in touch and you are feeling out of your
       depth, help is at hand.
 When  his  last  surviving  brother,  Jim,  developed
 dementia  he  had  to  sell  their  house  and  they  both   The number to call is 01305 – 221000 and ask for
 moved  into  a  care  home.    I  was  living  in  Droitwich   the  digital  hotline.  It's  open  9  –  5,  Monday  to
 Spa in Worcestershire at the time and I told him that if   Friday.
 he was left on his own he could come and live with
 me.  He said, “Why would I want to move to a dump   This  link  explains  more  about  it  [
 like  Droitwich?    The  only  place  I  would  move  to  is
 Dorset.”    This  was  not  remotely  likely  for  me  at  the   digital-champions-ready-to-help/)

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