Page 80 - br-june-2020
P. 80

June 2020                                                                           June 2020

       WOODBURY HILL FAIR                                                                                            OBITUARIES

                                                                                                     time, but then life moved on, I moved
       The Fair at Woodbury Hill was
       legendary  it  was  over  five                                                                to  Bere  Regis,  and  when  Jim  died  I
                                                                                             went  to  fetch  him  to  come  and  join  me.    The
       days and was always held on
                                                                                             staff in the home lined up to wish him well as he
       the  week  that  the  21   of
                                                                                             left.  He had been the life and soul of the place,
       September  fell.  The  whole
                                                                                             keeping  the  residents  entertained  with  his
       period in  the early  days  was
                                                                                             songs,  poems,  dances  and  general  happy
       r e f e r r e d    t o    a s
                                                                                             attitude to life.  The staff were in tears, because,
       Woodburytyde  ,  the  fair  was
                                                                                             as they told me, no one had ever left there on
       the  largest  of  its  kind  in  the
       whole   of   the   south   of                                                         their own two feet before!!
       England.  It  originated  as  far                                                     Ernie loved it in Bere Regis.  He liked the people
       back as prior to 1200 and in                                                          and  the  surroundings.    He  could  walk  to
       Its  Heyday  was  so  popular                                                         Tolpuddle,  Milborne  St  Andrew,  or  Wool  and
       that thousands of people would visit every day.                                       back  some  days,  go  on  the  bus  to  Poole  or
                                                                                             Dorchester on other days.  He came to Autumn
       There were certain days set aside for a particular purpose.
                                                                                             Leaves  which  he  enjoyed  until  he  could  no  longer
       1 Wholesale Day – For wholesale traders                                               hear the speakers or converse with other people.  The
                                                                                             members  still  ask  after  him.    To  his  own  and  other
       2 Gentlefolk’s Day – Devoted largely to entertainment and the eating of Oysters,      people’s amazement, in 2011 he won the “Performer
       to  this  day  there  can  still  be  found  under  the  turf  of  the  Hill  the  shells  from  the   of  the  Year”  competition,  with  his  homespun  rhymes
                                                                                             and songs.  He was a wonderful character and leaves
       3 All folks Day – A day of general dealing and entertainment                          behind  lots  of  happy  memories  of  the  best  Uncle
                                                                                             anyone could have.
       4  Sheep  Fair  Day  -  Specifically  for  dealing  sheep,  Cattle,  Horses,  and  any  other
       livestock                                                                             Sylvia Bayliss (Nee Bradshaw)
       5  Pack-A-Penny  Day  –  when  all  the  unsold  goods  remaining  were  offered  at  a
       reduced price.
                                                Traders came from as far afield as

                                                Birmingham, Norwich, Bristol, Exeter
                                                and  London  as  well  as  all  over
                                                Dorset  and  the  neighbouring
                                                counties.  In the days leading up to
                                                the  fair  the  roads  and  lanes  all
                                                around  Bere  Regis  were  thronged
                                                with  people  goods  horses  and
                                                wagons and livestock being driven
                                                to the fair.
                                                  Dorchester  was  said  to  be
                                                deserted  but  it  had  the  reverse
                                                effect on Bere Regis it was buzzing

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