Page 75 - br-june-2020
P. 75

June 2020                             June 2020

 waiting  for  some  return  to  normality  to  arrange  for  them  to  be  printed  prior  to   VIEW FROM MY WINDOW ….
 distribution to our involved partners.

       ….  Memories of
 Transport Infrastructure Investment Fund
 On  the  14th  May  2020,  the  Secretary  of  State  for  Transport,  announced  a  £1.7
       These  past  couple  of  months
 billion funding allocation to Combined Authorities and Local Highway Authorities   have  been  very  strange    -
 for 2020/21 through the newly created Transport Infrastructure Investment Fund.   sometimes   bringing   great
 Dorset’s share of the £1.7billion funding is set out below (as documented in the   h a r d s h i p    a n d    w o r r y ,
 Department for Transport news story  sometimes   bringing   great
 -billion-pound-road-and-railway-investment-to-put-nation-on-path-to-recovery),   peace  and  tranquillity.    There
 and includes our already confirmed annual funding allocation in the form of the   is  no  doubt  that  we  shall  all
       view the world very differently
 Highway Maintenance Block Allocation                                 £10,564,000   when  things  get  back  to
 Highway Maintenance Block Incentive Element                    £  2,201,000   ‘normality’.
 Integrated Transport Block (Improvements)                           £  1,971,000   To  encourage  parishioners  to
       capture  their  feelings  and
 The  additional  element  for  us  comes  in  the  form  of  the  (mainly)  Pothole  Funds
 which  equates  to  an  additional  £9,112,000,  taking  our  total  2020/21  capital   their   thoughts   in   such
 award to £23,848,000. This additional award is intended to alleviate pressure on   challenging  times,  we  would
 highway authorities caused by Covid-19 and allows us to focus on restart issues   like  to  have  a  monthly  slot
       entitled  ‘The  View  from  my
 and  recovery.  This  additional  funding  is  capital  and  thus  can  only  be  used  for   Window’.  This could be in the
 genuine renewal and enhancement, and not for revenue related activities such
       form  of  a  story,  a  poem,  a
 as gully emptying, side verging, reactive maintenance.
       painting  or  a  photograph.    In
       fact,  anything  creative  that

       will  be  inspiring  to  others  and
 Schools and early years   help  retain  some  of  the  more
       positive memories.
 This  may  well  be  superseded  by  the  time  you  read  this.  If  the  virus  threat  level
 indicates  it  is  safe,  the  government  have  indicated  that  schools  will  begin  a   Our  first  contribution  is  this
 phased  and  managed  re-opening  from  the  beginning  of  June.  Initially  this  will   lovely  painting  from  Jill  Marsden,  created  only  two  weeks  after  the  start  of
 involve   early   years   lockdown  -  she says she will have to do another, now that the trees are in full
 settings/nurseries   and      leaf!! Many readers will be familiar with Jill’s work as her greetings cards are on
 p r i mar y    sc h oo ls    -   sale in the Bere Regis Post Office.
 Reception,  Year  1  and
 Year  6  only,  with  some   View your magazine on the village website to see the painting in colour.
 face  to  face  support  for
       Please  email  your  contributions  to  me  by  15th  June  for  inclusion  in  the  July
 Years  10  and  12.    As  you   magazine. My email address is
 will  anticipate,  managing
 this  will  look  different  in                                          Editor
 each   school   setting.
 Headteachers  and  early
 years leaders are assessing
 the  risks  as  they  seek  to

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