Page 36 - br-june-2020
P. 36

June 2020                                                                           June 2020

       recalls going to the WI hut for                                                      a  dignified  and  handsome  monument.  It  will  be  more  than  gratifying  to  the

       sewing  lessons  with  Mrs  Hall  I                                                  relations of the Fallen to know that over 300 parishioners have subscribed.”
       was about seven or eight and
       I  worked  a  sampler  and  then                                                     Finally, the Parish Magazine for January 1920 reported:
       we entered them in the flower                                                        “The War Memorial, a Cross of Purbeck Stone, standing some fourteen feet high,
       show  that  they  used  to  hold                                                     was unveiled by Captain Hon. R.E. Erne-Erle- Drax on the afternoon of Sunday 22
       on Court Green.
                                                                                            December. It was a very impressive scene and the ceremony was witnessed by a
       This old country traditional skill                                                   large attendance. In unveiling the Memorial, Captain Ernle-Erle-Drax laid stress on
       has  been  passed  down  from                                                        the need of remembering the position the England had won for herself during the
       generation  to  generation  in                                                       War. He then spoke of the men who had laid down their lives for their King and
       Sally’s  Family  from  Mrs  Hall  on                                                 Country reminding us that we had no record of those who had left the village  in
       to  her  daughter  Rosalie,  then                                                    former centuries to fight under famous leaders but that by means of this memorial
       on to her daughter Sally. In the                                                     the  names  of  those  from  Bere  Regis  who  had  fallen  in  the  war  would  be
       days of Grannie Hall there would have been no electricity and often the most         preserved... those who had given their lives in discharge of their duty had had not
                                                                                            perished forever  but had entered into immortality.”
       intricate items would have been completed by candle light.
       Sally recalled how her mother would do work for Mrs Rene Bere the Vicars wife ,      Brief details are given on the memorial of their military and naval units, a decision
       who also had a craft class running at the now Old Vicarage in this photos you        taken when the memorial was first created in 1919 which has proved so helpful to
       can see some of the pupils who have made impressive  wicker work and a lot are       subsequent researchers.
       wearing hand stitched smocks.
                                                                                            The memorial is listed as a Grade II listed monument and is described in the listing
                                                                                            as follows:
                                                                                            “A simple cross head and tapering chamfered shaft, probably of Portland stone,
                                                                                            set upon a square plinth. It stands on a base of three steps. The inscription on the
                                                                                            plinth runs around the four sides and reads: `IN GRATEFUL  MEMORY /  OF THOSE
                                    G P Lewis                                               WHO GAVE THEIR / LIVES FOR THEIR COUNTRY / 1914-19 (surname and regiment)'.
                                                                                            Those  who  lost  their  lives  in  the  Second  World  War  are  commemorated  on  a
          Interior/Exterior Painter & Decorator                                             separate stone fixed to the steps on the north side of the memorial. It is inscribed:
                                                                                            `1939-1945 / (surname and regiment).”
         All aspects of painting and                                                        The reason for listing is given as:
         decorating undertaken including                                                    “It is a modest but eloquent witness to the impact of tragic world events on this
                                                                                            community. It has group value with the adjoining church which is listed at Grade
         Domestic, New builds, Refurbs
         and Commercial.
                                                                                            The  memorial  is  thought  to  have  been  designed  and  made  by  Haysoms,  the
         Qualified and with over 30 years                                                   Purbeck  quarry  owners  and  stonemasons,  using  stone  from  the  Portland  Beds
         experience, will offer friendly                                                    which outcrop in Purbeck.
         advice if needed.
            1st class finish                   If you require a job done hassle free       There  are  two  mysteries  connected  to  the  memorial which  will  be  explained in
                                                 by an honest, friendly tradesman           Part 2 of this article next month.’
            Free written quotes                   please give Gavin a call on
            Fully insured                      01929 471704 or 07977                                                                      Phil Ventham  01929 471215
            No job too small or big                   047314, Email:

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