Page 52 - BR July 2024
P. 52

July  2024                                                                           July 2024
                                                                                            provide inspiration. Bere Regis has been invited to be one of the first case studies,
                                                                                            recognising the wildlife friendly practices already in place – from Soul’s Moor, our
               RECIPE OF THE MONTH                                                          riverside  edge, verges  and churchyard to individual  gardens, all  linking into our
                                                                                            wider  landscape  including  Wild  Woodbury,  May’s  Wood  and  Sites  of  Special
                    Thanks to our WI members for sharing their favourites                   Scientific Interest (SSSIs).
                                                                                            Our  Wildlife  and  Environment  Group  will  be  holding  an  exhibition  entitled  ‘Wild
            Farmers Pasta with Chicken or sausage or meat balls                             Bere Regis’ which will display pictures of our wonderful wildlife and habitats. This
                                                                                            will be held at the Drax Hall on Saturday October 19 .
           This is a very easy and filling meal that you can put any of the above
           with or just vegetables. Great with crusty bread.
                                                                                            Next Meeting

           Ingredients                                                                      The next meeting will be held on Thursday 11  July 2024 commencing 7pm at the
           4 large chicken thighs                                                           Village  Hall.  If  you  wish  to  have  an  item  added  to  the  agenda  for  discussion,
           Olive oil                                                                        please contact the Clerk or a member of the Parish Council before the 1  July.
           1tsp dried herbs
           Garlic cloves ( to your taste)
           Large bag of Spinach
           100g cheddar or parmesan                                                             HAVE YOU HAD AN INTERESTING LIFE?
           1 litre of chicken or vegetable stock
           250g of penne pasta or similar
           1 lemon.                                                                        Many people have said to  me, over the years, “I never knew that X was such a
           Salt and pepper                                                                 fascinating  person  with  such  an  interesting  life,  what  I  pity  we  didn’t  know  more
                                                                                           about them whilst they were alive and could tell us more”

           Method                                                                          Obituaries,  eulogies  and  funeral  tributes  provide  a  great  insight  to  the  stories  of
                                                                                           some wonderful individuals.  I particularly remember, after Pat Mills passed away,
           1.  Heat oven to 200c/180c fan/gas 6.
                                                                                           that our churchwarden Sarah Welton had many people tell her “we never realized
           2.  heat a little olive oil in flame proof casserole dish. Season the           that your mum worked at Bletchley Park!”  My husband, Martin, discovered (from
               chicken on both side and sprinkle the herbs over. Place the chicken         an obituary) that a resident of Briantspuddle had served alongside his dad on HMS
               skin side down and cook for 10 mins until skin is golden brown the          Fiji  during  the  Battle of Crete.   How  he  would  have  loved  to have been  able to
               turn over and cook for a further 10 mins. Then put to one side.             chat to that gentleman!
           3.  Next add the garlic sliced to the pan (I use 2 cloves) and gently           This has got me thinking.  How lovely it would be if we could find out more about
               cook. Then add the stock and the dry pasta.                                 some of our community members  - very many of whom have travelled the world,
                                                                                           had  some  amazing  experiences,  undertaken  significant  challenges  or  achieved
           4.  Bring up to the boil, add the spinach and juice of the lemon.               great things.
           5.  Place the chicken on the top and put in the oven for approx 25
               mins.                                                                       I have already approached a few likely ‘candidates’ but would welcome hearing
                                                                                           from anyone who may be willing to write their own memoir for publication.  Please
           6.  I like to give the pasta a little stir halfway through and you can check    don’t  be  shy, I  would  be looking for anything up  to around  3,000  words,  and,  of
               if you need any more liquid.                                                course, some photographs would be brilliant too.  Drop me an email, if you think
                                                                                           you may be able to participate.
           7.  Scatter the grated cheese over the top before serving.
                                                                                                                                Alison  -  Editor  -

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