Page 57 - BR July 2024
P. 57

July  2024                             July 2024


       Saturday  opening.  Our  trial  opening  on  Saturday
       afternoons has now finished. There has been some
       extra  custom which is  always  welcome  and  it  has
       been  nice  to  hear  visitors’  appreciation  of  our
       efforts. However, the shop volunteers have had difficulty covering the extra hours,
       so,  other  than  for  special  events  or  bank  holidays,  we  unfortunately  cannot
       continue opening in the afternoon. However, if you would like to help in the shop
       but are not available during the week, could you consider helping on a Saturday
       afternoon? If so, please let us know.
       We should be entering the BBQ season (are we?). If you are brave enough to be
       planning a BBQ don’t forget you can order the meat you want through the shop.
       We put our order into Curtis in Wareham on Friday morning and it is collected on
       Saturday  and  will  be  in  the  shop  by  9.00am.  So,  save  yourself  a  trip  and  order
       through the shop.
       For  a  small  shop  we  have  a  great  range  of
       greetings cards and postcards, many produced
       by local artists, and at a very reasonable price.
       We are adding new cards all the time (including
       some from our magazine Editor)  so come and
       have a look at what we have. You can buy your
       card,  write  it  in  the  shop,  buy  a  stamp  at  the
       Post Office and send it off. Job done!
       Please  help  us  to  keep  the  shop  going  as  a
       welcome and useful village resource. Use it now

                                                       to  ensure  its  future.  You
                                                       never  know  when  you
                                                       might need it!

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