Page 49 - BR July 2024
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July  2024                             July 2024
 BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND   who  are  already  active,  can  be  an  additional  way  of  maintaining  your  fitness
       and energy levels. Many of the exercises we do in the class are done seated so
 ENVIRONMENT GROUP   that everyone can join in and our balance exercises are also done with the use of
       a  chair  to  help  build  confidence.  We  also  include  some  slightly  higher  energy
       exercises which helps to keep our hearts healthy.
 June  was  rather  more  like  April,  with  grey  days,
 showers and chill winds. Nevertheless, nature has been   Our  classes  are subsidised by  the Pop In  Place  funds  and are  held  at  the  Bere
 doing its business and our hedgerows, meadows and   Regis Village Hall on Mondays from 11am – 11:45am and will be the cost of each
 heathlands  are  adorned  with  colourful  flowers  –   class is £5
 meadow  buttercup,  orchid,  cow parsley, wild  carrot,   No  need  to  book  in  advance.  Just  come  along  and  join  in  our  fun  and  very
 foxglove, herb robert, vetch, knapweed, oxeye daisy   friendly class, where you will be guaranteed a very warm welcome.
 and viper’s bugloss. There will be more to come this month – Enjoy!
       If you would like more information, please email Lucy Cruickshank at
 For the next couple of months we are going to feature trees. or telephone Lyn Simmonds on 01929 471528

       Pop In Place Community Café at Bere Regis Village Hall
 Beech   trees   have   been
 important to the British. With their   Every Friday morning from 10 am until 12 noon we run a Community Café at the
 height   (up   to   40   metres,   Village Hall North Street.
 although  more  typically  around
 30  metres)  and  wide  spread  of   We offer a warm welcome, to everyone who walks through the door.
 branches  they  have  created   We  also  welcome  new  volunteers  to  help  on  our  team  serving  the  drinks  and
 shelter  for  weary  travellers  over   helping at events.  Also and very importantly to chat to the people who attend
 the  years.  It  is  said  that  beech   the café’s.
 trees will magically protect you if
 you stand beneath its canopy.    Would  you  like  to  make  a  difference  in  your  community?    Then  call  the  Team
       Leader Alison Bennett 01929 472023 for more details about how the Pop In Place
 Beech  trees  were  also  used  for   changes people’s lives.
 medicine.  The  water  from  the
 trees was collected to treat skin conditions and toothache – we don’t advise you
 to try this!   Volunteers Wanted
 Sometimes beech was known for its wish making abilities – you could write your   Can you help on a rota basis to serve teas OR Brunch and welcome people and
 wish on a stick, bury it below the tree and one day the wish would come true.   sit and chat with them, call in and see us to offer your help? Or telephone Alison
 Perhaps!   Bennett
 The nuts which form on beech trees are known as mast. The term 'mast' comes
 from an ancient Anglo-Saxon word referring to nuts and fruits on the forest floor   Pop In Place Food Crisis Support
 that  provided  food  for  hogs  and  other  domesticated  animals.  A  year  when
 beech nuts or mast are plentiful is traditionally known as a mast year.   The Pop In Place have a Food Crisis Project, if you are struggling and you need
       food  please  get  in  touch  we    have  gained  funding  to  provide    crisis  packs  for

       people in the Parish in a difficult situation.
 Small-Leaved Lime
       If you need this service please email in confidence and
 The small-leaved lime is becoming quite rare, but is a great indicator of ancient   we will help. Thank you to Gareth Lynam who is running this project for us.
 woodland. It can grow to around 20 metres in height.

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