Page 50 - BR July 2024
P. 50

July  2024                                                                           July 2024
       Pop In Place Work shop

        We  are  a  small  group  meeting  on  Friday  mornings  and  do  some  wood  work,
       making bird  boxes,  bug  hotels  and  planters  etc we  also do a lot  of  talking and
       drinking coffee. We have completed and refurbished the table tennis table and
       that is available for people to play a game.
       If you  are interested  in  coming along and  doing  any  of  the above or  your  own
       small project, call in and see us you will be very welcome.
       Have you checked out our Pop In Place website

       For More information call Alison Bennett 01929 472023                                Catching  a  Nightingale
                                                                                            whilst  bird  ringing  was  a
                                                                                            huge surprise and a possible look into what could be in the future, with breeding
                                                                                            a possibility in years to come. Discovering the colonisation of Silver-studded Blue
       MILBORNE MOVIES                                                                      butterflies was immense, helping to change our perceptions of what species can
                                                                                            live where, with this butterfly classically associated with wet heath, but seemingly
                                                                                            happy  to  live  on  Bird’s-foot  Trefoil  on  a  field  that  was  an  arable  crop  only  two
       Bob Marley:  One Love                                                                years previous. For a third and final species I’ll go for Dingy Mocha, a moth that
                                                                                            I’d  long  wanted  to  catch,  but  given  its  very  small  range  mainly  in  Wareham

       Friday 19th July 2024 at 7.30pm                                                      Forest, hadn’t had the opportunity. It was of great surprise that we then caught
                                                                                            one at Wild Woodbury, with lots of suitable habitat and suspected breeding on
       Village  Hall,  The  Causeway,  Milborne  St                                         site too.
       Andrew DT11 0JX
                                                                                            Something which has always been important to me has been enabling access to
       Doors and bar open 7.00pm                                                            nature.  Being able to lead  group  walks  across  site, have  volunteers  helping on
       Tickets cost £6, which includes a drink or an                                        management and surveying, and seeing a big increase in the number of people
       ice-cream                                                                            actively  using  the  site  has  given  me  great  joy  to  watch.  As  the  40-acre  SANG
                                                                                            continues to develop, and as more destination points and paths are created, it
       Celebrates the life and music of an icon who                                         will present a wonderful opportunity and space for the community to use. I will of
       inspired  generations  through  his  message  of                                     course be keeping up to date with the development of the site, and as I only live
       love and unity. On the big screen for the first                                      down the road in Wareham, I will no doubt be back to visit in my own time.
       time,  discover  Bob's  powerful  story  of
       overcoming adversity and the journey behind his revolutionary music.                 If you would like to get in contact with me about anything, you can get on my
                                                                                            same email address, If you  want  to contact
       The  film  is  snap  shot  into  Bob  Marleys  short  life  with  back  to  back  music  which   about   Wild   Woodbury,   Dai sy   is   the   best   person,   at
       really makes the film - Marley was reggae’s greatest tunesmith and lyricist, laying
       down spectacularly produced tracks that are yet to be equaled.

                                                                                              When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw their
                                                                                              advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the effectiveness of
                                                                                                 their advert and helps us generate more advertising revenue!!

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