Page 9 - jul2021
P. 9

July 2021                              July 2021


 Well at least the Sun has finally arrived.
 With  slow  signs  of  restrictions  easing,  even  Eloise  is
 having  her  1   vaccination  this  week,  it  feels  like  we
 might be on the verge of something “normal”.
 For the village shop what might this mean?
 The last 16 months we have become a hive of activity
 in the centre of the village. Through the efforts of many
 volunteers we have collected stock from Wareham to
 Weymouth,  Sainsbury’s  to  Williams,  Bird  seed  to  honey.  We  have  provided
 someone to talk to and somewhere to go.
 For the last 16 months the title of my article has been “Briantspuddle Village Shop
 – Not just for covid 19….”
 And now maybe its time to change the title to “Briantspuddle Village Shop – Our
 village shop”
 The village shop can continue to provide the wide range of great value fresh fruit
 and vegetables, meat and bread we are currently doing “if” we are able to sell
 it.  We  are  happy  to  take  orders  for  regular  requirements  or  one-off  items.  Fruit,
 Veg and Meat arrive on Wednesday’s and Saturday’s. We have fresh bread on
 Monday’s Wednesday’s Thursday’s and Saturday’s.
 Remember  the  quote  of  last  year  “Its  better  than  Waitrose  and  Cheaper  than
 Lidl” but we can only continue to supply the fresh produce at a great price if we
 can  continue  to  buy  in  large  enough  quantities
    without  lots  of  waste  and  so  I  encourage  you  to
 remember  we’re  here  before  you  nip  to  Tesco’s  or
 Co-Op.  If  you’ve  not  been  in  before  you’ll  be
 amazed at what we’ve managed to squeeze in.
 Newspapers and magazines do need to be ordered
 in  advance,  but  can  be  stopped  for  holidays/
 weekends  away.  We’re  happy  to  accept  vouchers
 for the papers.
 We have a wide range of cards from local artists.
 We’re open 9 till 12 Monday to Saturday and 10 till 12
 on Sunday’s.

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