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July 2021                                                                           July 2021
                                                                                           run a couple of plant sales also to raise funds for the village hall. Don’t forget as
               OTHER CHURCHES NEWS                                                         well that jams, chutneys and honey are available in hall every day so stock up as
                                                                                           you pass by.
       BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH                                                     I think all these signs of things gradually returning to some form of normality are
                                                                                           really helping as we dig deep for what we hope to be the final haul through this
                                                                                           pandemic. We’re nearly at the point where it’s under control sufficiently for us to
       Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by                                take the tentative steps of learning how to live with the disease.
       visiting  preachers.                                                                We look forward to even more things taking place in the coming months which will
       Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting                           allow us all to make even greater use of our wonderful village hall.

       Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer                                                                    Stuart Chorley, Chairman of Briantspuddle Village Hall
                                                                                                                        Mobile 07818078191. Email
       Chapel  Toddler  Group.    Toddler  Group  has  reopened  and  is  meeting  on
       Wednesdays.  There are two sessions taking place, one at 9.30am  and the second
       one  at  1.30pm.    Advance  booking  is  essential,  please  contact  Suzie  on

       Currently we are able to meet for our Sunday morning services, although they are
       also  shown  live  on  you  tube.    Our  Youth  meeting  and  Bible  study  are  held  via
       zoom, with others joining us, a number of whom live too far away to ever be able
       to join us in person.
       There will be a baptismal service, by full immersion, on Sunday 11  July at 10.30am.
       Everyone is very welcome.

       What wonderful weather we have been able to enjoy recently, perhaps too hot
       for some, but it’s lovely to have some proper summer weather.  As I am writing this
       we have just been told by the Prime Minister that covid restrictions will not be lifted
       in June but will continue until 19  July at least. For many people the delay will not
       make too much difference, but we sympathise with couples whose wedding plans
       will  be  affected  yet  again,  for  those  whose  holiday  plans  have  been  disrupted,
       and especially with business owners who expected to be able to open normally
       and now have another month with no income.  For this latter group it really is a
       disaster, and some may not be able to survive financially. We pray for them in this
       incredibly difficult situation.

       During all the restrictions the one thing I have been able to continue doing is going
       out for a walk each day.  I am so grateful to be living in this beautiful village, with
       fields,  May’s  wood  and  the  Bere  Stream  just  a  short  distance  from  home.    The
       landscape changes with the seasons and the weather, but is always uplifting.  It is
       possible on some days to be so engrossed with my thoughts that I take little notice
       of  my  surroundings.    Then  I  remind  myself,  ‘look  up’  and  see  the  beauty  of  the
       trees, the wild flowers – so many different shapes and colours – and the constantly
       changing sky.

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