Page 12 - jul2021
P. 12

July 2021                                                                           July 2021
        BERE HEATH METHODIST                                                                CASTLE PLAYERS  -
        CHAPEL                                                                              LYTCHETT MATRAVERS

        Dear Friends in the Parish,
                                                                                           Castle Players presents Sleuth. 14-17
        We just wanted to tell you of what we have been up to                              July at Lytchett Matravers Village Hall
        at  Bere  Heath  Methodist  Church  (Chapel )  which  ever
        you know it by.                                                                     We are so excited to be back!
        On  the  2   May  we  held  our  first  Council  after  our                          After almost 18 months of lockdowns, lockups, isolation,
        monthly service (1  Sunday in the month.  The main part of the meeting was to      masks, hand sanitiser and zoom calls, we are delighted
        say a BIG Thank you to  Mrs Karen Smith ( whom a lot of you know) who has for      to finally be able to get back on stage. It will be so good to perform in front of an
        the  past  eleven  years  been  Senior  Steward,  the  glue  that  has  held  things   audience  again,  we’re  looking  forward  to  seeing  all  our  lovely  friends,  old  and
        together. Karen has been very supportive to all the members of the Chapel and      new.
        been involved with so many events, Harvest celebrations, Christmas and Easter
        and  a  wonderful  supporter  and  helper  with  Buggies  and  Brunch  (Children’s     We have chosen Sleuth by Anthony Shaffer as our first play. The small cast meant
        activity  morning  for  children  and  parents)  Karen  was  presented  with  a  David   we could start rehearsing earlier, albeit outside where the elements were rather
        Austin Rose in appreciation for all that Karen has done.                           unkind to us at times... but “the show must go on” and we persevered! Sleuth is
        Therefore we welcome Jackie and Philip Morgan who are taking over from Karen       regarded as one of the greatest stage thrillers, winning the Tony  Award for Best
        as Stewards for Bere Heath Chapel. We wish them all the very best in their new     Play  and  inspiring  two  film  versions  which  you  may  be  familiar  with.  The  1972
        role over the months and years that lie ahead.                                     original won five awards and starred Lawrence Olivier and Michael Caine, while
                                                                                           the  2007  version  was  directed  by  Kenneth  Branagh  and  starred  Michael  Caine
        Jackie  can  be  contacted  on  07891006726  and  Philip  on  07870957036.  Home   and Jude Law.
        number is 01929 472283.

        We hope from September to start Buggies and Brunch again and have a couple         The action begins when millionaire mystery writer, Andrew Wyke, invites his wife’s
        of  events. Our  next  services  are on  Sunday  4   July  led by  Rev Gwyneth Owen   new  lover  to  his  country  mansion  for  drinks.  When  young  Milo  Tindle  arrives,
        (our Minister) and Sunday 1   August — Peter Jenner. Both services 3pm.  All are   Andrew has a proposal for him. His plan would enable both parties to live in the
        welcome to our services BUT please book a seat with Jackie (Number as above )      style  to  which  they  are,  or  would  like  to  become,  accustomed.
        as we are still following social distancing, sanitising and Track and Trace.       It’s a win-win situation involving a break in, his wife’s ruby necklace and a clown’s
                                                                                           costume!    However,  things  are  not  all  as  they  seem  and  Milo  quickly  becomes
        Enjoy the nice weather and keep well and safe.                                     entangled  in  a  web  of  deceit  and  manipulation.  A  battle  of  wits  has  drastic
                                                                                           consequences and the question is no longer a whodunit, but a whodunwhat?
        Love and blessings to you ALL.

        Gwyneth and Peter                                                                  Directed by Castle Players’ veteran, Linsey O’Neill, the cast includes Matt Barratt
                                                                                           and  Simon  Langford.  The pair  both  gave outstanding performances in  our  2019
        Bere Heath  Ministerial Team                                                       production of The Elephant Man, Matt as Elephant Man John Merrick, and Simon
                                                                                           as  Frederick  Treves.  Matt’s  profoundly  moving  and  sensitive  interpretation  was
        Rev Gwyneth Owen – Tel: 01305 319224
        Peter Jenner (Lay) – Tel: 07973278791

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