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July 2021                                                                           July 2021

                                                                                            called  Creswick),  found  them  second-hand  tents,  a  cook  and  some  other
       FROM BISHOP KAREN                                                                    necessities,  and then  arranged  for  whatever  else  they  needed  to  be  sent from
       This month brings a significant change in
       the life of the Diocese with the departure                                           [t]he  cook  whom  Consul  Knesevitch  had  found  was  inept  and  supplies  were
       of Bishop Nicholas. We give thanks for his                                           limited......
       ministry  and  all  that  he  and  Helen  have                                       Life  improved  with  the  arrival  of  more  supplies  –  lentils,  rice,  potatoes,  figs  and
       been amongst us, and we pray for them                                                marmalade – but the cook did not....
       as  they  move  to  pastures  new.  Bishop
       Nicholas  has  steered  us  through  some                                            What  Lawrence’s  companion  said  next  about  the  cook  is  not  repeatable  in  a
       significant  times  during  which  we  have                                          Parish Magazine. However, the book is well worth reading!
       had  an  emphasis  on  praying,  serving,
       and  growing  as  we  have  sought  to                                               *Croatian father and Lebanese mother, hence the Croatian surname.
       renew  hope  inside  and  outside  the                                                                                       Margaret Cheetham, Briantspuddle
       church.  Politically  there  has  been  much
       to bring theological insight too including
       Brexit and the Salisbury poisonings and of
       course there has been the increasing urgency of environmental awareness as we
       steward  God’s  wonderful  world.  All  these  and  much  more  have  demanded
       Diocesan and national engagement and commitment.
       In one way we now enter a time of waiting as those from the Diocese elected to
       the Crown Nomination Commission, with others, begin the task of discerning who
       God  might  be  calling  to  be  the  next  Diocesan  Bishop.  Yet  Christians  are  not
       called to complacency, and the expectation of the arrival of a new Bishop needs
       to  be  balanced  by  a  commitment  to  the  tasks  in  hand,  and  the  continuous
       joining in with all that God is doing in our midst. As we emerge from the pandemic
       there is a calling to take stock, to do the looking back and looking forward to see
       what we have valued and want to retain, or where things need to be different;                                                    Partners for Storth
       there is a real need to address some of the challenges including the affordability
       of  ministry  and how  we can properly  resource  a changing church with realism;                                                Machinery, Borger, Weda &
       and there is an opportunity to celebrate the new things that God is doing and join                                               Franklin Electric Pumps &
       in with them.
       In this time of change, I therefore invite you to join with me in the interim as we
       tackle some of these challenges and opportunities together. As we do so we can                                                   Specialists In Slurry Handling
       be encouraged by the helpful instructions given to the Church in Thessalonica (1                                                 & Scaper Systems, Iron
       Thessalonians 5: 16 -18) ‘Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all                                               Filtration, Rain Water
       circumstances for this is the will of Christ Jesus for you’.
                                                                    Bishop Karen
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