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July 2021                              July 2021

 Hopefully  it  will  then  be  possible  to  open  more  frequently  and  run  some  of  the   DEAN’S  LETTER
 regular  events  such  as  Pie  and  Pint  nights,  and  quizzes  that  took  place  before
 Covid-19 affected all our lives.

       A  street  art  installation  in  Salisbury’s  High

 The Annual Horticultural show   Street features the words “WHAT IF WE…”
       emblazoned    across   the   top  of   a
 The good news is that  the  2021 Bladen Social Club Horticultural show has been   blackboard.  Passers-by  are  invited  to
 scheduled for Saturday 7th August.   chalk   their   hopes   and   aspirations
       beneath. I read through the responses this
 This  year’s  Horticultural  show  will  have  39  classes  of  exhibit  and  the  Best  Kept
 Garden competition.  Details about the exhibit classes and entry conditions are   morning  and  some  of  them  made  me
 currently being finalised so please keep an eye on the Briantspuddle Community   smile.  One  reads  “What  if  we…  all  had  more  ice-cream”.  That  gets  my  vote.
 website,  or  the  Bladen  Social  club  noticeboard,  where   Another reads “What if we… had an underground skate park”. Niche. Many more
 further details will be available shortly.   are  really  heartening,  the  sorts  of  pleas  for  peace,  reconciliation  and
       environmental  sustainability  that  are  a  feature  of  most  church  intercessions
 Show  schedules  and  entry  forms  will  be  available  in  July  once  it  is  known  for   boards.
 certain that we have moved out of lockdown and the show can take place.   This  year  I  have  had  the  privilege  of  chairing  the  Diocesan  Vacancy  in  See

       Committee. We have now produced our statement of what we believe we need
       in  our  new  Bishop.  I  am  hugely  grateful  to  the  Committee’s  members  for  their
 Peter Talbot, Secretary   strenuous efforts in its compilation. One of the disciplines we had to learn as we
       worked  was  that  of  reminding  ourselves  that  we  were  not  embarked  upon  a
       churchy  version  of  that  piece  of  art.  We  were  not  setting  out  a  wish  list  of
 LAWRENCE OF ARABIA AND   everything that would be “nice to have” in a new Bishop.

 TURNERSPUDDLE   No: our task was to discern what we might need in a new Bishop. That is a very
       different exercise because it starts from a very different place. It starts not with our
       agenda,  but  with  God’s.  “He  measures  us  by  our  needs,  and  we  must  not
 Lawrence of Arabia and my great-great-great uncle    measure Him by our impatience”, as Jeremy Taylor writes.
 Following on from Ivor Bryant’s article (June 2021), I’m reminded of a family story   Accordingly, after much prayer and widespread consultation, we have prioritised
 which said that Lawrence of Arabia had stayed at the house of my great-great-  five  qualities.  We  believe  we  need  a  holy  bishop,  a  visionary  bishop,  a
 great uncle, Alexander Knesevich*, in Gaza.    courageous  bishop,  a  unifying  bishop,  and  a  visible  bishop.  Yet  because  the
       agenda is God’s and not ours we know that when our new Bishop is appointed s/
 Sure  enough,  I  found  the   he may be all of those things – and may still tell us things we don’t wish to hear
 following   extract   from      and lead us down paths we have not yet followed.
 Anthony  Sattin’s  “Young
 Lawrence”,   telling   the   We  pray  that  the  six  Diocesan  representatives  who  will  serve  on  the  Crown
 story of Lawrence and his   Nominations  Commission  will  work  effectively  with  their  colleagues  from  the
 companion Woolley:    national  Church  to  realise  God’s  will  for  our  needs.  And  if  the  next  Bishop  of
       Salisbury gives us all more ice-cream then I for one will not be complaining…
 On 29 December they left
 for Gaza...
 Alexander Knesevitch, the
 British  consular  agent  in
 Gaza  (whom  Lawrence

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