Page 21 - jul2021
P. 21

July 2021                              July 2021
 Tiger Moth, a remarkable man!     Working Together protocol with Town and Parish Councils
 Open  water  swimming  throws   We are currently working with the Dorset Association of Town and Parish Councils
 up  some  interesting  people  to   (DATPC) to
 talk to.
       prepare and provide clarity on how Dorset Council and Town & Parish Councils will
 The club has a long tradition in   work together positively to deliver services locally while respecting mutual rights as
 e n c o u r a g i n g    c h a n n e l   separate and  sovereign democratic bodies.  When this is complete, I  will publish
 swi mme rs   wi th    e l e ve n   the complete document.
 successful  solo  swims  last  year
 and six already this year. Seven
 channel  relay  swims  involving   Climate Change Progress
 club  members  had  already
 taken place this season.  I was   Dorset  has  been  cited  as  a  national  leader  in  council  climate  change  and
 introduced  to  Nick  Adams,  a   ecological policies
 committee  member  and  nine   Councillors have recently been told of how Dorset Council is to spend a £19 million
 times   conqueror   of   the   government grant to reduce its carbon footprint – initially with 35 projects, which
 channel.  He  was  getting  married  on  24 .  August,  the  anniversary  of  Captain   could be expanded later to 50 These mainly involve council buildings, schools and
 Matthew Webb’s epic first swim in 1875.   other assets and this equates to more than £50 per head for Dorset’s population,
 The  scene  was  now  a  hive  of  activity  as  the  handicapper  Kristy  prepared  the
 swim  list  and  handicapping  for  the  Jock  Fee  880  yards  handicap  race.    Her
 boyfriend Mark Fabik, the club’s official handicapper had swum the channel two
 weeks  previously  and  was  on  a  boat  somewhere  mid-channel  crewing  for  his
 friend Matt Dawson.
  “Would you like to take part?” Brian enquired. Wouldn’t I just!  So I was off to the
 rather  cramped  changing  rooms  and  club  headquarters  to  change  into  my
 swimming costume for the race.  It felt truly wonderful to be in the presence of
 these  fellow  swimmers,  the  banter,  the  camaraderie  was  tangible  and  real,  I
 loved it! On their customised costumes I noticed Serpentine Ron, Serpentine Ros
 and Serpentine Will.

 Soon  the  first  of  the  swimmers  were  off  with  a  gentle  sidestroke  as  the  starter   well  ahead  of  the  amounts  given  to  other  councils  on  a  per  capita  basis.    In
 called  the  timings  through  his  mobile  microphone.    I  was  listed  to  start  at  40   Greater Manchester where the Government  grant was highest overall it worked
 minutes 30 seconds and was told by   out at £28 per head and in Kent, £14 per head. Design work is now underway on
    Kristy  that  under  no  circumstances   decarbonisation  work  for 35 council  sites including County   Hall,  education and
 was I to win the race, it was just not   leisure  centres,  with  another  15  sites  likely  to  be  included  later.  The  work  was
 done.    Well  maybe  with  a  turbo   based  mainly  around  heating  systems  and  would  include  a  move  towards
 charged  outboard  motor  on  my   ‘greener’  methods  including  air  and  ground  source  systems,  improving  building
 rear  end,  I  might  have  stood  a   efficiency through insulation and generating local energy where possible.  All will
 chance  but  certainly  not  with  this   be  subject  to  ongoing  evaluation  by  government  as  the  council  will  have  to
 handicap!   spend the money by January 2022.
 The  wonderful  thing  about  a
 handicap race is that it allows club   St Marys School – Approval to become a new SEND School
 members  to  compete  on  an  equal   and a centre of Excellence
 and  inclusive  basis,  be  they  elite
 open  water  swimmers  or  swim   I  am  delighted  to  report  that  we  now  have  approval  for  this  to  be  a  Special

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